Chapter 8: maybe a date?

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They both walked into a bakery ordered a cake then left, isn't that such a nice way to end their walk? The day couldn't have gotten any better. In all honesty, it was the first time they both had a nice time together and aren't running away from anything trying to kill them. Sooner rather than later fun times have to end and they decided it was time to walk home. When they got home they decided to sit down at the counter and eat the cake.

"This was fun I enjoyed it" Liu said humming to him self. "Yeah I can wait to eat this, I'm starving." Elizabeth said sighing. They had a little silence between talking. But sudenly Liu broke the sicelnce. "Wasnt this a fun date?" He asked with a sly smile on his face. "Yeah I guess- WAIT WHAT!?" Eizbeth yelled her face a bit red. "This date wasn't it nice? He asked softly to her. She stared blankly at Liu while he sneered at her. "you tricked me into a date?!?" She yelled bewildered. Liu was already eating some of the cake. "Hm? Oh yeah woopsies don't blame me blame sully." He was while eating the cake. "WHAT?!" She yelled. "//just eat cake\\" sully said stuffing his face. "Fine." Elizabeth said going to eat the cake. "The date was fun can't wait for the next one!" Liu said snickering a bit. "ughhhhhhh" Elizabeth groaned of embarrassment putting her head down on the counter. "Lizzy?" Liu asked. "what do you want Liu" Elizbeth said with her head down. "How would you like to spend a day with sully?" he asked out of the blue. "Hm? What do you mean?" She raised her head looking at him. "I mean having a whole day talking withh sully you know?" Liu said. "A whole day with that ass hole, yeah no thanks" she said scoffing and rolling her eyes. "He's..uhh okay when you get to know him!" He said. "Please? I need you and him to atleast get along?" He begged pouting a little. Elizabeth rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine but if anything goes wrong you better stop him." She said while holding the bridge of her nose. Liu smiled at her and went to go give her a hug untill Elizbeth stoped him. "I don't do hugs" she said but then put her hand out to give Liu a fist bump. "Okay! So you get to hang out with him tomarrow!!" Liu said excited. "Woop woop.." Elizabeth said sarcastically.

Sooner or later the next day was to come and it was time for Elizabeth's and sullys "date" to get to know each other. Elizabeth woke up and brushed her teeth and soon headed to the kitchen. While she was heading towards the kitchen and saw Liu sitting but he looked diffrent."Liu?" She questioned. "//how rude you've forgetter me.//" sully replied to her. Elizabeth gasped "sully" she said pointing at him. "//what's up?//" sully said moving the hair out of his face. "//man this guy sucks at presenting himself..\\" he said under his breath. "So I have to spend the whole day with you?" Elizabeth said a little disgust in her voice. Sully stared at her a bit offended "//bitch you are lucky you are still alive\\" he said scoffing. Elizabeth backed up a bit and rolled her eyes. "//so where are we having out little date?\\" sully asked casually. "What.??" She said. Sully sighed "//im pretty sure you heard me the first time...//" sully gets up and heads toward the door "//come on get ready for the date lose..\\" he said while opening the door.

Elizabeth sighed and followed him out the door grabbing her jacket along the way. "So what do you do?" Elizabeth asked while walking with him. "//I kill//" he replied bluntly. She rolled her eyes "ugh no what else do you do other than kill?" She asked almost tripping and falling. Sully catches her and suddenly yanks his hand away. "\\I live..\\" he replied back chucking a bit trying to piss off Elizabeth. She was obviously getting pissed out and shoved sully a bit. "//I wont hesitate to make the other half of that smile blondy...\\" sully said smiling freakishly at her. Elizbeth stared at him her jaw dropped. "Asshole.." she said rolling her eyes covering her mouth. She noticed sully was walking towards the forest. "Sully..what are you doing??" She asked a bit panicked. "//going into the forest what are doing? Oh yeah that's right being a scardy cat!" He remarked at her and kept walking. She followed him and caught up him and even ahead of him. Elizbeth took a deep breath and picked up a rock and threw it at him. "//Ouch.\\" He said sarcastically. "//You want a death wish DONT you?//" sully said walking towards Elizabeth. "You'll never catch me!" She yelled running away. "//wait-! idiot!\\" sully yelled chasing Elizabeth while going deeper into the forest. "//dude I wasn't going to acatully kill you stop running!\\" he yelled catching up to her. "Why did you threaten me then!?" Elizabeth asked out of breath. "//shush.\\" sully said shushing her and looking up.

Elizabeth looked up and saw a figure in the dark. Sully looked up and sighed "\\I guess our date has come to an end//" sully whispered to Elizabeth. "who is tha-" Elizbeth said before sully shushing her. "Don't talk." Liu replied. "Liu!" Elizabeth whispered. "Shhh" he shushed her. The mysterious figure came over and looked at Elizabeth and Liu. "W-what the f-fuck a-are you do-doing Liu?!?" The figure said while his head jerked left. "Hello to you too, Toby." Liu said politely smiling at him. "A-answer my q-question!" Toby yelled. "It's just-//this is a target I'm going to kill and I'm just taking her to a remote place!\\" sully interrupted Liu making the situation more awkward. "L-lies!" Toby yelled "y-you would k-kill her r-right now!" Toby pulled out and axe and pointed it toward Elizbeth. Liu went to go point the axe away not towards Elizbeth slowly. "Not cool dude.." Liu murmured. "D-do you n-not realize the p-problem w-with this?!" Toby's yelled and then Elizabeth decided to say somthing. "What's your problem I didn't do anything!" Elizabeth said while facing Toby. When she faced Toby his eyes widened. "H-holy shit." Toby said looking at Elizabeth's face noticing the scar on her face. "What?" Elizabeth questioned untill she touched her face. "Oh." She said quickly backing up hiding behind Liu. "Whoops" she said quietly. "Now you know Toby why I am with her." Liu said while Toby stood there staring at Elizabeth. "Y-your dead." Toby said looking at Liu.

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