Chapter 16: what do you want.

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Lius face changed and he quickly pulled out a knife and pointed it towards outside. "//what the fuck do you want..//" sully said pointing the knife at Jeff through the door. "Wow Liu couldn't face me himself so you had to come out?". Jeff said with a smile on his face almost mocking him. Elizbeth was busy doing something and yelled. "Who's at the door!" She yelled completely unaware who was there. Elizbeth shrugged and went to her room. Sully put his knife down. "No one!" Liu yelled frantically and turned back around. "//look what ever the fuck you want do it another time //" sully said putting his knife down. "Oh and why's that?" Jeff questioned that smile still on his face. "Things are going so well, and I won't have you ruin that for me again Jeff." Liu said with full seriousness. Jeff just started to laugh at him. "Things are looking up for you?" Jeff laughed at him and mocked him . "Seriously you have grown weaker than I thoguht you have.." Jeff said sighing. "Who would've known you would grow to be so selfish.." Jeff said. Liu stood there speach less. "//you are going to call Liu selfish? Please you have to be fucking joking.//" sully quickly remarked. "//anything that you've ever done has been all for your self and you want to call Liu selfish???//" sully started laughing almost cracking up at the hipocriosy of Jeff. Jeff rolled his eyes and then smiled widely. Suddenly there was a loud falling sound inside the house. "Oh that must my signal.." Jeff said before he disappeared into the dark of night. Liu shut the door tight and locked it and went to go see what fell.

Elizbeth was on her computer with baylock in her room and she heard some fall and turned around from computer and heard a familiar giggle. Before she could scream Ben put a hand over her mouth. "You've met a terrible fate haven't you?" Ben said smiling. Elizbeth struggled and bit his hand. "Ow!" He yelled griping his hand. "WHATS WITH TOU AND COMING INTO MY ROOM" she yelled. "Bite me again and I'll kill you." Ben said looking up at her blood dripping from his eyes. Elizbeth looked around and saw baylock hiding under her bed. "You're asshole scared my cat." Elizbeth remarked a bit quieter than before not wanting to worry Liu. "You have a cat? I haven't even been gone for that long.." Ben replied. Elizbeth rolled her eyes. Ben shrugged and then smiled. "You know Liu was at the door with Jeff right?" Ben question smiling. Elizabeth's heart sank trying to run towards the door. Ben grabbed her hand and stoped her. "I wouldn't do that If I were you" Ben said. "LET ME GO!" Elizbeth screamed. Ben heard foot steps and groaned. "I guess it's time for me too leave, tell Liu me and Jeff will be back soon!" Ben dissapered and Elizbeth ran to check it baylock was okay. "Are you okay baylock.." she said quietly picking him up gently and heading to the door.

Liu was right outside the door about to come in. Both Elizabeth and Lius expressions on their face looked stressed. "Are you okay?" They both asked each other at the same time. "You go first" Elizbeth said. "Maybe we should sit down." Liu responded scratching the back of his neck. They both go to the kitchen counter and sit down. "We need to think of a thing that can keep Ben away.." Elizbeth said. "Ben!?" Liu questioned again shocked. Elizbeth nodded her head. "Man that guy doesn't know how to stop" she said sounding defeated. Liu smiled slightly. "We could install a virus blocker?" Liu said jokingly. Elizbeth nodded and looked up at Liu. "So, you saw Jeff again ?" Elizbeth question. Lius raised his head down a bit. "Yeah..but I dealt with him don't worry!" Liu said with a forced smile. Elizbeth frowned a bit and put her hand on his . "Whatever Jeff said to you was most likely untrue he's just an asshole." Elizbeth said. Lius face went completely red and nodded silently. Liu moved his hand away fast and scratched the back of his head "U-uh..ANAYWAYS! About Jeff proofing the house and Ben proofing your computer.." Liu said quickly as he tried to calm himself down. "Yeah we'll find a way but make that later.."

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