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the bread boy

THANA WAS told Peeta was slowly getting better, so she soon could go to visit him now that she was thrown out of the medical bay

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THANA WAS told Peeta was slowly getting better, so she soon could go to visit him now that she was thrown out of the medical bay. Luckily Johanna was thrown out at the same time, so, they now share a room together. They would now have to go the cafeteria to eat with the other people in district 13. No longer peace and quietness in an embrace, but rather the constant chatter and complaints.

"I don't want to go," Thana's voice sounds small as she walks through the halls with her friend. "Why must we eat with so many people staring at us?"

Johanna lays her arm around Thana's shoulder, "no one likes it," she scrunches her eyebrows up, "but at least we sit with Finnick and Annie."

"And that awful person," Thana scoffs, "there is no respect or empathy to find in him, how is Katniss even friends with him?" she looks at Johanna, "he thinks he is so much better than everyone, I hate that kind of people."

"I know," Johanna hums, "I know." Playing with Thana's hair mindlessly as they go to sit down with their food next to each other.

Thana nods politely to Katniss who smiles kindly back at her. The Jardin freezing once her eyes meet Cressida's, flashbacks taking over as she looks down with guilt drowning her.

"It is okay," Johanna squeezes her hand, knowing Thana's thinking patterns. "I am here for you."

Thana nearly lets tears fall down her cheeks as the Gale boy starts to insult Peeta and the victors again. His arrogance blinding him from the traumas and survivor instincts rooted in the people who managed to go 'home' again.

The girl from district 9 abruptly stands up, sending a comforting smile to Johanna before taking her tray. "I'll see you later," she whispers in Johanna's ear, a small smile forming as she sees Johanna's neck redden, loving the effect she has on her friend lately.

"Don't wander off too much," Johanna says as she gently takes Thana's hand before she slips away, squeezing it lightly, "don't want to miss you at our stupid appointment."

"Wouldn't want to miss our lovely banter with Dr. Brown," she smirks lightly at Johanna.

"He despises us so much that I wouldn't want to miss it for the world to see you argue with him once more." Johanna grins back, now more confident that her blush has disappeared.

Thana rolls her eyes, "don't let them hear that," nodding her head at Finnick and Annie before she steps back. Dropping her tray off before she leaves the dining hall, trying to stay calm. Her hands twitching with adrenaline to punch something, to kill something. Thoughts that scare her, for once she allows some tears to escape in hopes of easing her feelings.

BOOM! Thana flinches, she looks around her, slamming her back into the wall as her breathing becomes more labored. Her eyes become blurry as she tries to steady herself. BOOM! The noise is a nearly perfect imitation of the canons she can still hear in her head every night. One hand on her chest as she pushes herself to stand again and blinks away the blurriness. She couldn't be seen this weak by the civilians, especially not by Gale and his friends. BOOM! Thana flinches again, her sight slowly becoming clear again, she gasps at the sight before her. She hadn't meant to venture this way; she investigates the room before her. The noise was made inside there. There are nearly no other people present and she dares herself to sneak to stand beside Haymitch.

"Let me go in there," her voice not wavering even after her moment of panic, her eyes meet the older victor ones. "Haymitch, please. I think I can help, let me try to help him."

"Oh Thana," Haymitch lays his hand around her shoulder, "I am afraid I can't allow you to such things." He shakes his head, "even if I wish for you to try."

"Haymitch," Thana sighs, "Johanna, Annie and I heard his screams, his shouts. I saw him get tortured because I didn't want to talk." She shakes her head, "the least I can do is be a familiar face from where it all started." She blinks, trying to keep her emotions at bay. "I failed to protect him as I promised I would do. Let me at least do this for him."

After a few seconds Haymitch nods, leading her towards the door, nodding his head to the staff that keeps an eye on the blonde victor.

"Hello Peeta," Thana's voice is small and soft as she opens the door, revealing herself to the tortured victor. Her sleeves propped up, showing her new scars as she walks to him.

Peeta trashes as he sees her, before his eyes clear and a broken scared boy appears in front of the slightly older victor. "Thana?" The blonde questions, looking at her.

"It is good to see you again bread boy," she chuckles as she takes out a stool to sit by the bed of the boy.

Peeta smiles painfully, "did they do this to you?" he gestures to the scars on her arms.

The brunette's face falls, "The Capitol did this to me," she moves her arm so the boy can touch the scars, "and I am sorry what they did to you, I really am."

Peeta touches Thana's arm curiously, the bumps in her arms making it nearly a geographical map. Unconsciously her fingers start to tremor again and Peeta looks up at her in wonder.

"It is okay Peeta," Thana tries to comfort the boy who more and more starts to remind her of Latif who she is finally starting to grief. "We still have each other with all the losses so far."

"I saw you," the boy muses, "you look desperate to safe me, but I wouldn't allow it, right?"

"They were torturing you," a tear escapes Thana's eye, "you never deserved that, you knew nothing about the plan of the rebellion."

Anger seems to surface in Peeta's eyes, yet Thana dares to keep sitting, "you knew about it, and you support this genocide?"

The girl shakes her head, "I knew little Peeta," her voice cracks, "I was promised a way out of the Arena, I was promised my brother, and friends would all get out." She sighs, "besides, it is time to stop an end to our suffering in the districts, to the suffering of innocent children that are forced to fight to death. Don't you think?"

"How do you even know what is real?" The blonde's voice calm and confused. "Seeing your arms you were treated differently from me, but how do you know what to do?"

Thana's face fills itself with pain for both the boy and herself, "I am out with lanterns," she chooses to say, "looking for myself."

Nora speaking!
Sorry for the late update, I am at a loss of were I want this story to go, or how to get to were I want to go.

I hope to update soon again <3

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