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****This is sort of a spin on story on my other story "Roommate Romance". For the prequel to this story, please read chapters 29-32 on that story (or the full story. It's pretty good)****


Through the entire flight back to my college town, I couldn't help but to think about the soreness that persisted on my bottom. It was almost unbearable to sit at first, but the longer the flight went, the more I got used to it.

I'm Megan. I'm a 21 year old college student working on my law degree. Growing up, I was a big of a fugly girl, not really getting too much attention from the boys, but puberty did me very well. I have green eyes with blonde hair just below my shoulders, with a pretty face and a heart warming smile (according to my grandma). Standing 5'7, I had a pretty slender body, with C cup breasts, and a big ole booty that grabs the attention of all the desperate college geeks.

After visiting my friends in my hometown, Matt and Kayla, who are now the cutest couple ever, I had a lot on my mind. When Kayla first told me Matt kept her in check by spanking her, I thought it was just a silly little fetish thing they did. I get playful spanks often from the guys I sleep with, but it wasn't until recently I learned how much more painful and effective a real punishment spanking could be.

Thankfully, my parents never spanked me at home. I got the typical home punishments: no phone for a week, no going out for a month, no tv for a week. The only spankings I recall is when my grandpa would give me a quick snack on the butt if I was being unruly when I was a kid. It wasn't until today where I got my first real spanking.

Admittedly, it was humiliating. Matthew, a guy I've known since I was 5, holding me over his lap with my pants and panties down, smacking my bare ass with a hairbrush? If you had asked me any other time, I would've cried laughing from even the thought of that being a possibility.

But it happened, and honestly, I'm grateful that he was willing to give me that experience. I'm sure it was no hair off his back, getting to spank a beautiful girl and get a free front row seat to my bare butt. Even growing up, it wasn't uncommon for him to give me wedgies from time to time. It was just in his natural to be a bully who likes to humiliate cute girls.

After the spanking he gave me, I've realized now that maybe I need more of that in my life. I've made some fuck ups in my life, and instead of laying in bed feeling sorry for myself, I feel like there's a quicker, much more driven way of dealing with it.

I shake my head out of my thoughts as I get off of the plane, calling an Uber back to my apartment. I get back home, my cute one bedroom apartment a few miles from my campus. I go to my room, setting my luggage on my bed. Before I do anything else, I turn to my standing mirror. I unbutton my jeans, pulling them and my panties down and turn my back to the mirror.

A lot of the redness was gone, but some pink from the spanking remained, and I could still definitely feel the stinging from it. I rub my bare butt, trying to soothe the pain before pulling my jeans back up.

I put all of my luggage away, dirty clothes in the hamper and hung up the clean clothes before changing into something more comfy. I pull off my shorts and jeans, throwing my bra off and just throwing on an oversized shirt before laying in bed.

The memory of the most painful spanking I've received, so far, still lingered in my head. I bet if I hadn't even received that spanking, I wouldn't have even put my clothes away before laying down. My briefcase would've remained untouched in the corner of my room for weeks. If I had homework, I'm sure I'd be doing it right now. The stingy feeling on my booty made me want to be proactive. This was a feeling I don't think I've ever felt before.

I roll over and lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling and start talking to myself. "I....I think I need more spankings in my life.....Who would even be able to give me what I needed? How would I even bring that up in conversation? Would I scare a guy off if I asked him to punish me?"

These questions and more ran through my head as I laid there in silence. I think it's time I start exploring my options for punishment spankings.

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