Public Wedgie

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I get out the of passenger seat of Shawn's car, walking over to his side to hold his hand. We walk into the grocery store, getting the ingredients to cook a dish we saw on TikTok. Almost every time we hung out, we ordered food, so we decided cooking together would be a fun date idea.

Shawn grabs a cart and we start to walk around. He looks at the list. "Alright so we need soy sauce, so we should probably find the Asian section."

I nod, looking at the signs to find the right section. I grab the soy sauce, tossing it into the cart. Since we were making an Asian inspired dish, they had several other ingredients we needed in this section, so we grab everything we need. We then head to the produce section to grab the vegetables and meat we needed.

I look at the cart with everything in it. "I think that's everything. But I wanna go look at the makeup before we leave!"

Shawn rolls his eyes. "God, I hate makeup shopping."

I slap his chest playfully with the back of my hand. "I won't take that long, come on!"

I grab the front of the cart and start guiding him to my favorite section in the store. Shawn stands to the side, looking bored as I restock on my basic makeup needs: removal wipes, mascara, eyeliner, etc. we turn into the section that has all of the nail polish. I wanted to try a new color, and of course they put all the good colors on the bottom shelf. I squat down onto my knees to start looking at what selection they had.

"You know, you should really buy a belt." I hear Shawn say with a chuckle.

I reach my hand to my lower back, feeling the laced waistband of my green thong are sticking out of my jeans, showing a major whale tail. I feel a bit embarrassed, but try to play it off. "Well, I pay good money for cute undies. Maybe I want to show them off!"

I look at a few different nail polishes, really enjoying some of the blue shades they had. Then, I feel a cold hand reaching for my lower back, grabbing my thong.

"Wait!" I yell out, but it's too late. Shawn pulls my thong up hard, causing me to unleash a loud gasp. "Ah!"

He chuckles as he gives my undies another hard tug, pulling me up to my feet. He lets go and my thong snaps against my back.

I turn, smacking his shoulder. "Don't fucking do that!" I hiss behind my clinched teeth. I can feel just hard red my face is as I try to stuff my thong back into my jeans, looking around to see if anyone noticed. I see a boy sort of looking, but quickly looks away as I look at him, and a couple giggling as they walk away.

Shawn laughs. "Haha, see what happens!" He puts his arms around me.

I roll my eyes. "This is so fucking embarrassing. Don't do that ever again!" I finally get my thong back into its natural state, hoisting my jeans up as far as they'd go."

"No promises." He says with a cocky smirk as he releases me from my hug. "Let's go ahead and find you a belt while we're here. They should have a nice one in the women's section."

I nod begrudgingly, following him to the women's clothing section. I find a light brown braided belt that looks really nice with my jeans. We go to the checkout and pay for everything. As we're walking out, I tear the tag off the belt and start to loop it around my waist. I buckle the belt as Shawn starts to load the groceries into his trunk. "No more wedgies in public."

"Okay." He replies.

"No I'm serious. Look at me."

He looks up into my eyes. "I won't wedgie you anymore in public. It was just a spur of the moment. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you."

I cross my arms with a pouty face. "Well, you probably gave a good show to the passersby."

He smirks. "I caught a few wandering eyes. I'm sure they're all jealous that I got you to myself."

I loosen up, giving him a smirk. "Just....keep the wedgies behind closed doors. It's embarrassing out in public. Especially in the grocery store."

"I understand. Won't do it again. Probably won't be an issue anymore since you finally got a belt."

I smile, playing with the buckle. "It's cute. You picked out a nice one."

"I have good taste. Maybe your bottom will get a taste of it too when I spank you with it."

I blush. "Shut up!"

He chuckles. And closes his trunk before putting the cart away and we leave the store.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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