Painful Study Break

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After a very delicious lunch, we head over to his apartment. He shared a 2 bedroom with a roommate closer to campus. He walks me in, and I look over the well kept living room, complete with a couch, tv, and Xbox. They had some very simple art pieces on the wall to add decoration. "Wow. It doesn't look like a pigsty like I thought it would." I tell him. "And you even decorated a bit too. I'm impressed."

He smirks. "Yeah well, my roommate pretty much had everything all decorated before I even moved in. But yeah, it's a pretty nice cozy apartment."

"Is your roommate here?" I ask him.

"No he's at work until 9pm. We've pretty much got the place to ourselves all day."

Got the place to ourselves. Did he have more in plan than just studying?"

"Come on, my room is over here." He walks me down the hall into his bedroom. He had his bed, obviously, and a desk, and a bookshelf with a few books and knickknacks, including some anime figurines.

"Wow, anime figures? I didn't take you for a dork." I say with a smirk, walking up to his shelf to get a closer look.

"What's wrong with anime? Anime is cool right now!"

"Haha, if you say so." I sit on his bed. "Alright, so what do we gotta do?"

He pulls some papers from his desk, setting it down on the bed and sat beside me as he explained what he's gotten done and what needs to be done. I can barely pay attention. I'm distracted just by his presence so close to me. I'm unable to pull my eyes away from his, noticing hints of his cologne in the air.

"You got that?" He asked me.

I shake out of my day dream. "O-oh! Yeah! I got it!" I totally didn't, but I got the basics of what I needed to do.

He sits at his desk to work on his part, and I use a book as a hard surface and start writing what I need to do while sitting crisscross apple sauce on his bed. He puts some music on lightly while we worked.

After working for about an hour, my brain started to feel like mush. I was tired of looking at the words written on the paper and studying the book. "Ugh, I'm so bored of this."

Shawn looks back at me. "Yeah, it's pretty boring, but we're almost done."

"You might be almost done, but I don't even know how much longer I've got."

"You can do it, you'll be fine."

I groan, leaning on my side. "I'm still pretty stuffed from lunch, it's making me sleepy. Can I take a nap on your couch?"

"I didn't invite you over so you could take a nap. Let's just get this project done."

I smirk, deciding to start to get a bit bratty. "But I want to take a breeaaakkk. Just a little 30 minute nap, then back to work."

He fully turns around in his chair. "Like I said, I didn't invite you over to take a nap. Now can we please just finish this project and you stop acting like a child?"

"You think I'm acting like a child? I'll show you acting like a child." I flip the papers and textbooks on the floor. "I don't wanna do it right now!"

He stands up from his chair, standing over me. I feel like he's going to yell at me or kick me out. "Remember on our first day you asked if I was going to be able to handle you?"

I smirk at him. "Yeah?"

"Well, I think it's time to prove it." He sits down on the bed, grabbing my arm and yanking me over his lap.

My eyes get wide. Oh fuck. "Hey! What are you doing?!"

"Since you want to act like a child, I'm going to treat you like one!" He wraps his arm around my waist tightly, then starts to smack my butt hard with the other.

"Ow! Ow! Hey! Ow! Stop it you perv!" I wiggle around, still in shock that he would just yank someone he's only known for a week over his lap and spank them. I was even more shocked that I was getting spanked in the first place. I hadn't even thought about spankings since the school year started.

He lands a few more hard smacks on my bottom. "I treat you to a nice lunch in hopes that you'll take this assignment seriously, but you still just want to goof around like you do in class!"

I feel him lift my dress up. "Hey! Stop that!" I know my black panties are out on full display for his viewing pleasure, feeling me with embarrassment. "I'll do my assignment! Just let me go!"

"It's too late. I asked multiple times and you just kept being a brat." He continues spanking me hard. The smacks sting more without my dress. His hands feel rough against my bottom. I kick and whine as he lights me up. After a few more hard smacks, he finally lets me go and I immediately shoot up off of his lap, smoothing my dress back down. "Now can we PLEASE just finish this assignment?"

I pout, rubbing my butt. "Yeah, I guess." I mutter as I pick up the mess I made, sitting back down on the bed.

We finish the assignment, proofreading everything before I pack up and stuff and head for the door. "Megan wait." I hear Shawn say.

I turn around to see him walking up to me. I look up at him, still with a pouty face. "What do you want?"

He looks at me for a second, a bit of softness in his eyes. "I'll....I'll start putting the PowerPoint together later tonight. I'll send it to you to proofread it before we turn it in on Monday."

"Okay." I stay softly, looking away from him.

He reaches around me, opening the door. "Get home safely, okay?"

"Okay." I say sharply, walking to my car.

I get into my car, starting the engine. I sit for a minute, reflecting on what just happened. I have mixed feelings about it. Angry and embarrassed that he would just do that to me unprompted. You don't just grab your classmate and spank them because they want to take a break. But at the same time, I was being a whiny brat on purpose and got what I deserved.

I feel a slight discomfort on my backside as I drive home.

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