First Day

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A text thread between Kayla and I.

Kayla: It's your first day back to class! Are you excited??

Megan: Yeah, feeling a bit nervous about my chemistry class though.

Kayla: Why are you nervous? You're really smart, you'll do great at it!

Megan: Lol yeah, but it's just that I know a lot of people struggle with it and had to take it twice. I'm nervous about that.

Kayla: Don't worry, like I said you're really smart and you'll do great at it.

Kayla: You know what usually helps me when I'm nervous? 😏

Megan: Lol, let me guess.... 🍑👋

Kayla: 🤣🤣 Yes!

Megan: Lol. It's too bad I don't have my own Matt to come and spank me.

Kayla: Have you ever heard of a self spanking?

Megan: Yes.... I've given myself one already....

Kayla: Omg really? How did it go?

Megan: It was nice, it really stings but it helped calm my nerves a few days ago.

Kayla: I see. Well if you think it'll help you, you know what to do. I gotta go to class myself now. I'll talk to you later!

Megan: Okay 😁 have fun in class.

I close our messages, still feeling nervous about starting classes today. I look at the clock and see I still have an hour before I have to leave. I look over at the hairbrush sitting on my dresser. "Maybe spanking myself wouldn't be too bad of an idea."

I get up from my bed and walk over to my dresser to pick up my hairbrush. What once used to only be a tool to detangle my hair has now because a serious pain in the ass. I think about the past spankings I've received the past few weeks from friends and myself. As humiliating and painful as they were, it did calm my nerves after it was all said and done and made me feel better.

I turn to look at myself in the mirror, standing in my black leggings and white hoodie, just long enough going down to my upper thighs. I lift up my hoodie to reveal my bottom, holding it in place with one hand and holding the brush up to my butt with the other. I give myself a nice smack, feeling goosebumps crawl across my skin at the sharp pain. "Ow...."

I walk over to my bed, bending over in a familiar position, looking back to see my upturned bottom in the mirror again. "This is to calm your nerves." I tell myself in the mirror. "You're going to do great this semester."

I look forward, holding the brush up to my butt. I start swinging the brush on myself, landing 3 smacks at a time on each cheek. "Ow....ow....owie.....ow...."

Even though I'm spanking myself, I close my eyes, trying to envision someone else doing it. I imagine them scolding me for worrying too much, telling me this spanking is for my own good. I whine as I spank myself harder with the brush.

After a few more smacks, I stand up and rub my butt, before pulling my leggings down. I look back in the mirror, seeing my turquoise lace panties covering my pink bottom. I bend back over, looking back in the mirror. I hold the brush back up to my bottom and start spanking myself again.

The smacks sting more without the protection of my leggings. "Owie....owie....owie...." I whine, trying not to cry and mess up my makeup.

Maybe this wasn't a great idea. Now I'm going to have to sit in class all day with a sore bottom. What if my leggings are see through and people are able to see that my butt is red? No, my hoodie is covering my ass, that shouldn't be a problem, right? I'll have to do a bend test in the mirror to make sure.

I keep spanking myself hard, whining into the bedsheets. I feel my bottom stinging more and more the more I spank myself. I land a few more hard swings, clinching my eyes shut at the pain before standing up. I look in the mirror as I rub my sore red bottom.

"This isn't a punishment, just a nerve relaxer. So no need for a bare bottom spanking." I tell myself in the mirror. I stand and rub my butt for a little longer. I do feel slightly less nervous about my chemistry class, my mind more focused on my bottom hurting.

I pull my leggings back up. I lift my hoodie up, bending down and grabbing my ankles and looking in the mirror. My turquoise panties are barely visible through my leggings, but no redness from the spanking shows. The possibility of me even bending over this much is very low, but I wanted to make sure just in case.

I adjust my clothing, laying on my side in bed to rub my butt before I eventually have to go to campus.

I drive to the college campus, finding my way to my class room, finding an empty desk and sitting down. The hard plastic chair did not feel pleasant on my beaten bottom. I try to hide my discomfort.

I look over at the desk next to me, as an unfamiliar face decides to make that his home.

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