Regret (Also Shawn's My Boyfriend Now)

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Some time had gone by since our first date, and things were still going pretty steady. We didn't make a big deal about seeing each other while we were in class, keeping it pretty normal, but we text a lot more, usually get lunch together during our breaks, he'll visit me at the restaurant I work at sometimes.

We've only exchanged a few kisses since our first date, kissing in private so people don't start questioning whether or not we're in a relationship. We hadn't made it official yet, I'm waiting to see if he'll make the first move.

The thing that really hadn't happened in a while was spankings. Whenever we're alone he'll sneak a playful smack on my ass, but I was starting to really crave a good hand spanking over his lap.

He's coming over tonight for a movie night. I'm sure I can find a good reason for him to give me a spanking. I look around my bedroom, which is a bit of a mess with clothes all over the floor and papers covering my desk. I typically keep it pretty tidy, but with how busy I've been recently I have just been throwing things around. "Perfect."

A bit later, I hear Shawn knock at my door. I smile, making sure I look good in the mirror, dressed in black shorts and a black tshirt, and go to answer the door. Shawn is standing there, holding a bag of Chinese food. "What's up? Dinners ready."

I smile, stepping on my tippy toes to give him a kiss. "Did you cook that all yourself? I didn't know you were a chef!"

He smirks as he walks into my apartment. "What can I say? I'm full of surprises." He walks past my bedroom door, which is opened. He does a double take, stopping to see how messy my room is. "Whoa. What's going on here?" He starts walking into my room.


I follow behind him. "Oh nothing, just a little messy is all. Haven't really had time to clean up."

He looks around. "It looks like a tornado came through here. You're usually great at keeping everything clean."

"I know." I reply. "Like I said, I've just been swamped. I'll get to it don't worry. Let's just have dinner!"

He gives a final look around, shaking his head before he decides to leave my room. "We'll talk about this later."

That statement gave me butterflies, but I couldn't tell if it was excitement or nervousness. I try not to think too deeply about it, only wanting to spend some quality time with Shawn.

We make our plates and sit down together. Shawn wanted to pick the movie this time, and of course being the dork he was, he wanted to watch an old anime movie. Spirited Away I think? I figured since I tortured him with a rom com he can torture me with anime too.

The movie was actually pretty cute. I loved all of the little characters, even if the story was hard to follow. I had to ask him multiple times just what the hell was going on. I lay my head on his shoulder. "That was a good movie. I'm actually glad you recommended it."

He gives me a soft smile. "Yeah, I love studio ghibli movies. I'll have to show you some more."

"Yeah totally!"

He looks down at me for a second. "Okay well, it's time to talk."

My heart sank. I pretty much already knew what he wanted to talk about, and was expecting it, practically asking for it at this point.

"We've been seeing each other outside of class for a while..."

Wait, this wasn't what I was expecting.

"And obviously we have been on dates and been kissing a bit. So I think it's finally time to ask. Do you want this to be official? Like me being your boyfriend and you being my girlfriend?"

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