Lunch Date

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A few days had gone by since the new semester started. I was starting to get adjusted to my new classes and schedule, and chemistry wasn't as bad as I had imagined it. Maybe it was easier for me to bear because I had a cute class partner working with me.

We started to hit it off the past few days, usually texting each other when we're not in class with each other and late into the night. Sometimes the text conversations got a little flirty, but in person he was straight business. He's a funny guy, really smart, doesn't seem like he just wants to use me as a sex toy like the other guys I've been talking to treat me. I was starting to feel a bit of a connection between us.

As I'm loading my backpack to head to my next class, I see his shadow walking towards me. I look up at him and smile. "What's up?"

He smiled back at me. "Well you know we've got that group project due on Monday, and we've still got a lot of work to do on it, so I was thinking we could work on it this weekend. Plenty of free time to get it all done."

I have plans to meet a guy friend tomorrow, but I already know how that's going to end so I can easily cancel those plans. "Yeah! Sure. Saturday at your place?"

He smiles and nods. "Sure. And I was thinking we could get some lunch together too, my treat."

I smirk as I stand up, pulling my bag over my shoulder. "Is this your way of asking me out on a date?"

He seems a bit flustered, but smiles. "I mean, if you wanna call it a date you can. I just see it as treating a new friend to a meal before we have to cram study."

I giggle. "Sure. Lunch sounds good. Text me the details, okay?"

He nods. "You got it. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow!"

I start to walk away when I hear "nice panties."

I look back at Shawn, then down to realize my shirt was riding up from putting on my backpack, and my jeans were sagging just enough to show them pink waistband of my panties. I quickly turn, pulling down my shirt. "Hey! Pervert!" I pull my jeans up, blushing.

He laughs. "Hahaha. Your underwear shows all the time when you're sitting down. Just thought I'd let you know this time. It's always nice to look at though." He walks past me, leaving the classroom.

"Hmph." I blush, knowing he's been looking at my underwear for god knows how long and just decided to tell me it's a common thing. I'm gonna have to invest in a belt, or maybe wear sweats and leggings everyday to avoid the sagging.


The next day, I pull my car into the parking lot of a Mexican restaurant Shawn recommended. I park my car and pull out my phone, seeing a text.

Shawn: Hey I'm already inside. I got us a table.

How generous. I get out of my car, smoothing out my green dress before walking into the restaurant. I find where he's sitting and walk up to the booth. "What's up perv?"

He smirks at me. "What's up? You look cute. What are you all dressed up for?"

I blush. "Don't call me cute." I sit down across from him. "I just decided I wanted to wear a dress today. I'm glad you like it."

He smiles. "Whatever you say. You ever been here before?"

I nod my head. "I've driven past it a lot but never came here. I do love Mexican food, but I usually stick to Chipotle."

"Chipotle doesn't even wave a candle to this place. You definitely gotta try the smothered burrito, and I ordered us come queso for the chips."

I smile. "That sounds good. Maybe I will."

We order our food, then just sit and have conversation. "So you're from Virginia? What made you come all the way out to Arizona for college?" He asked me.

I sip my water. "I just needed a change of scenery, plus my dad went to school here and he makes good money. So I sort of just wanted to follow in his footsteps."

"Good money? So you're living off of daddy's money huh?"

"No! I work my own job and pay my own bills thank you very much! My parents did help me when I first moved here, but I've become an independent woman since!"

He chuckles, knowing he got under my skin. "I'm just teasing you! I'm sure if you were living off of daddy's money, you'd be living in a better apartment than the one you've described to me."

"Yeah, my apartment is kind of cruddy, but it's just temporary until I finish school."

Our food comes out and Shawn thanks the waitress. "So are you planning on moving back to Virginia after college?"

"Maybe. I'm not sure where I want to end up yet, but that may be the plan."

"That's a shame. Gotta make this year last then because I'll miss you when you're gone."

There he goes, making me blush again. "J-just shut up and eat your burrito."

He chuckles as we both enjoy our meal.

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