Just For Fun

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Shawn looks at me with a cocky smirk. "Just for fun huh? Sure you're not hiding something and just want to be spanked for it without telling me?"

"No!" I respond. "I just, well you know." I try to find a good way to word things, my mind being a bit foggy from the alcohol. "You know I've been curious about being spanked, and it might just be the alcohol talking, but I'm really enjoying being with you right now and just really want to be over your lap right now." I just start spewing out words without thinking.

Shawn chuckles. "Really? I mean, I definitely won't turn down this offer, but I want to be sure you're not just saying this because you're drunk."

"I'm hardly drunk." I say, obviously lying with the way I was audibly drunk. "I've been thinking about this since the last time you spank me. I want, I guess, a more sensual spanking? If that makes sense?"

"I get what you're saying." He answers, turning his attention away from me and back to the tv for a moment. I watch the show with him, giving him a minute to think about it. He then turns back to me. "Well, I guess giving you a spanking would give me some time to sober up right? Let's do it."

I smile. I lift myself up as he pulls his arm away from me, laying myself over his lap. I feel his hand rubbing my bottom softly. I then feel him toying with the waistband of my panties.

"If your panties keep sticking out like this, I'm going to be tempted to give you a wedgie." He says.

I roll my eyes. "Wouldn't be the first time." I mutter accidentally.

"First time? So this is a repeated issue huh?" He says with a slight chuckle.

"Not recently! But I have gotten wedgies before growing up." I rest my head down on my crossed arms.

"Well, how about a reminder of your past?" I feel him grip the waistband, pulling my skin toned thong up my butt.

"Ow! Hey! I didn't agree to this!"

"Haha, well you tempted me!" He lets go of my undies, leaving them wedged up my butt over my jeans. Well, it's a thong so it's already wedged up my butt, but now it's worse. "Alright, you ready?"

"Hmph." I pout, feeling the discomfort from the wedgie. "I'm ready."

He starts spanking me pretty lightly, but firm enough to feel it over my jeans. I keep watching the show on the tv as I lay my head down on my arms. I slowly close my eyes as he starts to spank more firmly. The spankings almost felt therapeutic. I felt a light sting, but it wasn't unbearable like my past spankings. I let out soft sighs and moans as he continues to spank me.

"I wasn't really expecting to spank you tonight. This is a wonderful surprise."

I giggle. "I'm just full of surprises."

He spanks me at the same pace for a few moments, taking short breaks to rub my bottom. He stops for the last time, rubbing my butt. "Think you're ready to get these jeans down?"

I nod my head, standing up to unbutton my jeans. "I'm ready to get this wedgie out of my ass."

He laughs as I pull my pants down, sliding them completely off my legs. I adjust my panties to fit more comfortably before I lay back over his lap. I notice a different feeling. Something was poking my leg. It didn't take me long to realize he was getting hard, and his boner was pressing against my thigh. I started to get a horny feeling myself realizing my exposed ass was turning him on.

He rubs my butt, barely protected because of my thong. He then continues to spank me. The spankings sting and come down firmly still, but I can tell he's holding back, not going full force like he would've as a punishment. I bite my lip, letting out soft moans. I'm half expecting him to comment on my moaning, with the way he is. But he stays pretty quiet during the spanking.

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