Asking For It

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Sunday. Cleaning day.

I do my usual chores I do on Sundays, doing laundry, cleaning the fridge, freshening up my apartment as sort of a reset for the week.

While cleaning, I get a phone call from Shawn. I answer. "Hey Shawn. What's up?"

"Hey! How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm okay. Cleaning my apartment. What are you doing?"

"I was just finishing up this PowerPoint. Was wondering if you wanted me to email it to you to proofread it?"

I think for a second, thinking about our situation from yesterday. As embarrassing as it was, I got what I deserved, and honestly, I felt like maybe he left some business undone. "Actually, do you want to just come over and we can go over it together?"

"Really? You sure?"

"Yeah, just come over. I'll text you my address."

"Alright! See you soon."

I hang up, texting him my address. I look down at my current outfit, white tank top covered in stains and green panties with a lace waistband. "Well this isn't going to do."

I go to my room, taking off my tank top. I put on a white bra, digging through my clothes to put on a clean white tshirt and black leggings, looking more presentable.

After a bit, I hear a knock on my door. I go to answer it, seeing Shawn standing there in all of his handsome glory. "Hey!"

"Hey!" He walks in and looks around. "Nice place you got here. Not nearly as bad as you make it out to be."

I smile and shut the door. "I like to keep it clean at least. It's just a nice simple place to live."

He smiles, pulling his backpack off his shoulders and pulls out his laptop. "I've gotten pretty much everything done. Just need a second look at it and maybe your opinion on some design choices."

I have a suggestion to bring up to him, but I bite my lip, too nervous to bring it up. I know if I don't ask now, I never will and just get it over with. "Hey uh Shawn...."

He looks over at me. "Yeah? What's up?"

"About yesterday...."

"Look. I said I was sorry and it won't happen and-"

I cut him off. "No no! It's okay! I said it was okay! It's just....well, I feel like you left some business unfinished."

He gives me a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the spanking was very quick and abrupt. I think I didn't really get what I deserved."

"So, what?"

He's so fucking dense. He's really going to make me ask for it. "Well, I think I deserve another spanking. A real spanking, what the way I behaved. So can you, you know, spank me?"

He looked at my blushing face for a moment, smirking. Probably realizing it was killing me to ask this. "Are you sure?"

I nod my head. "Mmhm. I was a brat and think I deserve to be spanked for real."

He ponders the offer for a second. "Anything off limits? Bare butt?"

I smile. "Whatever you seem fit. I'm the brat and you're the one punishing me."

He looks me up and down for a second. "Okay." He sits down on my couch, and I step up beside him. "Once you lay over my lap, there's no going back."

I nod. "I'm ready to get what I deserve."

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