Transfer Student

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"Hey, I'm Shawn. It's nice to meet you."

I'm stunned as he reaches his hand out for a handshake. This man was good looking. He had short, shaggy brown hair with a well trimmed beard, gold rimmed glasses that suited his face well. He was definitely taller than me, even sitting down his head was higher than mine. He wasn't shredded, but from his physique I could tell that he lifted weights.

I accept the handshake and he delicately shakes my hand. "I'm Megan. How come I haven't seen you around here before?"

He smiles at me. God his smile was so comforting to look at. "Oh I'm a transfer student. I wasn't really feeling my old college, and this school is more accredited, so I decided to finish my last 2 years here."

"Yeah, this is a really nice college. I enjoy it here." I give him a smile, unable to draw my eyes away from his gorgeous puppy dog brown eyes.

I hear the teacher come into the classroom and straighten up in my seat as the class begins.

She decides to pair us up for an upcoming project, and lucky me, I got paired up with the new kid. I turn to him. "Alright newbie. Looks like you're stuck with me all semester. Hope you can handle me."

He smirks at me. "Well, you've been kind to me so far, and you're pretty cute, so I think I'll be able to handle you for a bit. Since we're going to be working together we should probably exchange phone numbers right?"

I blush as he calls me cute, stunned by his abrupt offer to exchange numbers. "Oh-uh sure."

I take our phones out, putting each others numbers into our phones. He pulls his backpack over his shoulder as he stands up. "Alright, I gotta head to my analytics class. I'll text you later, okay?"

I look up at him, smiling and nod. "Yup! I'll talk to you soon!"

He walks out of class as I stand up. I can't help but look down at his jeans, making his firm bottom look quite excellent. I think that spanking I gave myself today beat all the bad luck out of me, because today has been a great day so far.

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