Failed Attempt

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I'm laying on the couch, cuddled up with one of my "situationships". He is a bit of a friend, but whenever we're not texting about how our day was, we were typically having sex, and that was the ultimate plan for tonight.

We watched a new show on Netflix, but I'm half paying attention because I have something else on my mind. I turn my head, looking up at him. "Hey Dennis? Can I ask you something sort of embarrassing?"

He looked back down at me. "Sure, what's up?"

"Have you....ever gotten spanked before?"

He smirked slightly. "That's random. I got spanked a few times growing up, but not since I was little. What about you?"

I shake my head. "No, I didn't. I haven't ever received a real spanking before. I'm really curious what it's like."

He smirks and starts rubbing my butt. "With an ass like this, that's really surprising to me."

I smile. "Yeah it just, just never really happened. Do you think I'm the type of girl to deserve a spanking?"

"I definitely wouldn't say no!" He says with a chuckle.

I pick up the remote, pausing the show. I look back up at him. "If I let you give me a spanking? Do you promise to take it seriously?"

"Yeah of course. Anything you want to do Megan."

I get up from the couch, and Dennis adjusts his seating, sitting in the middle of the couch. I waste no time, pulling my gray sweatpants down to expose my red lace panties. I pull them completely off, tossing them on the couch and lay over his lap.

"Wow, these are really sexy undies Meg." He says as he rests his hand on my butt.

I smile. "Thank you."

He rubs my butt a little more. "So, what exactly am I spanking you for? I need a reason to spank you right?"

I try to think of a good reason to get spanked. "Well, I didn't do too well last semester, and I want to do better this semester."

"Sounds like a good reason." I hear him say from behind me. I rest my head on the couch before I feel him starting to lightly smack my bottom. "Bad girl." He says in between smacks. "You need to focus on your grades more!"

His light smacks barely phase me, and his attempt at lecturing me was really cringe. "You can spank harder. Don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid!" He says, almost sounding insecure. He starts spanking a bit harder. At least to the point where I can feel the sting. I wince at the smacks, letting out a small moan every few smacks when I really feel it. "You're a naughty girl Megan! You need to do better this semester!"

I smirk and roll my eyes at his continued attempts to lecture me. I don't know if it's just because I never really got spanked beside the one time, but being lectured and called a bad girl during a spanking didn't feel right.

He lands a few more smacks on my butt, then I feel him grab the top of my panties. "I'm going to pull these down and spank you on your bare butt."

"Yes sir." I say, lifting my hips to allow my panties to slide down. I feel him rub my butt, sliding his hand down between my legs to rub my pussy. I let out a light moan before reaching back to stop him. "Mmm don't. I said take this seriously."

I hear a slight chuckle. "Okay okay." He says sarcastically. He continues spanking my bottom more, a little harder than before. The difference between being spanked over my thin, see through panties and my bare butt is hardly any different. I still let out a whine at the smacks, but really, it just doesn't feel effective.

I let him spank me a bit longer before I finally reach back. "Okay, that's enough."

He lifts his arms up, letting me stand up. "Did you learn your lesson?"

I stand up, pulling my panties back up and give him a smirk. "Yes. I think I did. You wanna fuck now?"

His eyes light up like a kid at a candy store. "Yes!"

He gets up, taking my hand and leading me into the bedroom.

Admittedly, I was disappointed by the spanking. It stung a little in the moment, but it barely made an impact. And the little lecturing he did made me want to laugh more than it made me feel bad. Maybe Dennis just wasn't the man for the job.

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