Real Date

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I'm walking to my car after a long week of classes and work. I'm ready to just go home, take a bubble bath, and not look at anyone for the rest of the weekend. My plans get interrupted though when I hear someone calling my name.

"Hey! Megan!"

I turn to see who's calling my name, seeing Shawn jogging towards my car. I smile as he approaches me. "What's up big guy?"

He finally reaches my car, standing in front of me. "Are you doing anything this weekend?"

"Well I was planning on being a hermit and hiding from the sunlight since I'm off of work all weekend. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me this weekend." He seemed a bit nervous asking me this, as if we haven't cuddled and hasn't practically seen me naked already.

I smile, feeling my cheeks blush. "A date? Like a real one? Not like the other times we hung out?"

He nods. "Yes, an actual date. There's a new display at the art museum I think you'll enjoy. We could go tomorrow and get dinner after."

I smile more. "I'd love to go."

He grins and gives me a hug. "Great. I'll text you the details later but I gotta run. I'll see you."

I have a big cheesy grin on my face as he walks away. I haven't been on a real date since high school. Every guy I've talked to since I started college has just been a casual hookup. It felt really nice being asked out by a guy who actually cares.


I'm getting ready for our date as I wait for Shawn to come pick me up. Since it's an art museum, we decided to dress up a little nicer than usual. I stand in front of my closet in my white bra and white lace panties, deciding what dress I wanted to wear. I decide on a navy blue sleeved dress, knowing Shawn said he was going to wear a blue tie. I slip the dress on, going into my bathroom to adjust my hair in the mirror and put on lip gloss.

I hear a knock on the door and go to answer it. I open the door, seeing a very dapper young man standing in front of me, in khakis, a white dress shirt, and navy blue tie that nearly matches the color of my dress. I smile at him. "Wow. You look really handsome."

He grins back at me. "And you look stunning. Ready to go?"

"Yeah, let me just grab my purse and shoes." I go to my room, sliding on my black heels and grabbing my side bag before heading out of the door.

The art museum was absolutely beautiful. We walked around admiring all the art pieces out of display, Shawn even getting the courage to hold my hand at some point during the tour.

I probably had a smile on my face since the moment we arrived at the museum. I was having such a good time being taken out and shown off by this man. I didn't feel he had any bad intentions, just wanted to spend time with me. Almost made me feel bad with the intentions on my mind, imagining what how he'd look without those khakis on.

After touring the museum, we head to the restaurant for dinner. Apparently he had made reservations at a local Italian restaurant. We arrive at the restaurant and he holds my hand as we walk in. I feel his hand escape my hand and wrap around my hip after he gives the hostess his name and they go look for his table.

I look up at him with a smirk. "Getting pretty handsy aren't you?" I say, teasing him.

He smirks. "You're the most beautiful girl in the room, I see how people are looking at you."

"So you need to put your hand on my butt to show people I'm yours?"

"My hand's not on your butt!" He adjusts his hand higher up on my hip. "And you're mine at least for tonight."

I giggle at how he reacted to my teasing. "I'm just messing with you. You're my date, you can hold me however you want." I rest my head on his arm until the hostess comes back to seat us.

We have a great dinner, chatting and laughing, I eat an abundance of bread before my entree even arrives. I start to fall in love with Shawn's smile. There's such a comfort in the way he smiles at me and talks to me. It felt safe being around him.

We finish dinner and he drives me home. He walks me to my front door, and I put my arms over his, placing his hands on my waist. "I had a great time tonight. Thank you for taking me out."

He smiles. "Thank you for agreeing. I had a really good time."

We look at each other for a moment, before he leans in for a kiss. I accept the kiss, locking my lips with his and kiss him passionately. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in tighter. I have butterflies in my stomach. I close my eyes, imagining just the two of us in the world at this very moment. We pull away from the kiss, smiling at each other. I don't really know what to say that wouldn't make it awkward. I want to tease him, but now probably isn't a good time.

He releases me from his arms. "I'll text you when I get home. Have a good night."

"You too handsome. Drive safely." I turn to my door and walk into my apartment. I can't wipe the grin off of my face. I'm isn't felt so happy in so long.

I know before long, he's going to end up being my boyfriend.

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