Self Spanking

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A few days had gone by since I got home. The pain from the spanking finally went away, but the memory still burned in my brain. I stayed up late a few nights doing some "research" on the matter. Reading people's testimonies on how it's changed their lives, the different positions people get spanked in and the large variety of implements used, even watching some videos. I gotta admit, a lot of the videos were kind of hot, while others just look like straight up butt torture.

I also learned that it doesn't always take two to perform a spanking, and that a lot of people spank themselves. I wonder how effective it could be. With classes starting back up in a few days, I think a spanking would help me set the semester off right. After all, I have been staying up past my normal bedtime to read about spankings, I've been so distracted that I haven't even purchased my new books for my new classes, in fact, now that I think about it, the dishes have been piling up in the sink, neglected with me rotting in bed and obsessing over this topic.

I get up and walk to the restroom, looking at myself in the mirror. The more I think about it, the more I can notice a look of guilt on my face. Guilt and displeasure in myself and my bad habits I was picking up.

I sighs, lifting off my shirt and pulling my shorts down, leaving me in my black bra and matching black thong. I turn my hips, looking at my pale butt in the mirror. "Okay." I say to herself in the mirror. "I'm going to give myself a spanking tonight. I deserve it for my recent behavior, and it would be a good thing to start the new school year off."

I felt embarrassed talking to myself about how I'm going to punish myself, but also felt a relief on my shoulders after admitting my wrongs. I'm nervous about having to spank myself, but didn't want to chicken out or hold back.

I strip out of my undergarments and hops in the shower. I fully clean myself before stepping out and drying off. I wrap myself in a towel and walk into my bedroom. I dig through my dresser to find something to wear. I dig past all of my more skimpy underwear, wanting more coverage for my spanking. I find a pair of pink briefs with butterfly designs that I haven't worn probably since early high school. The fact that I still even kept them this long was shocking to me.

I sigh as I slide them on. They're a little snug, with how much bigger my butts gotten over the years. The freshman 15 was really showing. I find a black tank top and black sleeping shorts and put them on as well.

I tie up my hair and walk around the apartment, eyeballing the pile of dishes in the kitchen. I decide to wash them before going to bed, knowing I'll feel worse about it tomorrow. I put some music on and get to work.

I finish cleaning the dishes in about 20 minutes, taking a bit of extra time to clean the rest of the kitchen. Feeling accomplished, I head back into my room with a smile on my face. The smile fades as I spot my hairbrush sitting on my desk. Should I use that on myself? It seemed effective when Matt used it.

I weigh out my options, deciding to pick up the brush. I look around my room, thinking of how I'm going to position myself for this. I decide to just bend over the bed. It felt awkward having to put myself in this position. I look back, realizing I have the perfect view of my up turned backside in my standing mirror.

I smile a bit, wiggling my butt to myself. "You are being spanked tonight." I say to myself in the mirror. "For staying up past your bedtime, and for not doing your dishes. I want to start this school year off right, even if that means starting it with a sore butt."

I feel so awkward talking to myself in the mirror about how I'm going to beat myself, but feel I need to give myself this pep talk to make it mean something.

I reach my hand back to rub my bottom, before giving myself a swift smack. It stung, not as much as it did from Matt, but enough to make me wince. I watch me spank myself in the mirror, landing 5 smacks at a time on each cheek. The pain started to set in, and so did the humiliation.

I stop spanking, standing up to lower my shorts. I look back in the mirror at my girly panties and bend over. My undies ride up my butt, exposing the bottom of my buttcheeks, starting to turn pink. I pick up the brush and press it against my bottom.

I hesitate for a moment, before swinging at my own bottom and landing a hard smack. "Ow...." I mutter to myself. I keep spanking myself, 2 smacks at a time on each cheek. The brush was still much worse than the hand was. A mixture of the pain, humiliation, and guilt made my eyes start to water. "I deserve this." I tell myself. "I'm a bad girl." I start swinging harder.

I spank a little longer before setting the brush down, rubbing my butt in mirror. The tears were rolling down my face, breath a little shaky. I reach both hands back, pulling my panties down to my knees. I crawl up on the bed, pushing my butt up and face down in a doggy style. I look back in the mirror as my red butt and just about everything else is exposed.

I need to finish this spanking off right. No holding back, I need to experience full pain. I pick the brush up, resting it against my butt. "Alexa, set a one minute timer."

"One minute timer, starting now." The echo on my nightstand replied.

Once the timer started, I begin rapid firing smacks on my bare butt. My arm wants to stop with the pain I was enduring. My raised bottom stung so badly and I wanted it to end. But I keep pushing, knowing I deserve this spanking. I bury my face into the bed, sobbing lightly as I keep spanking myself.

My arm starts to get tired from the fast spanking and I start to slow down, but spank as hard as I can. I cry and whine into my bedsheets until I hear the timer go off.

I set the brush down, rolling over to my side to rub my own butt and cry. "I'm going to be a good girl this semester." I tell myself. "I'm going to get my textbooks first thing in the morning."

I rub my butt a little more before I get up to look at myself in the mirror. My bottom glowed bright red with the smacks from the brush. I pull my panties and shorts back up, laying back down on my bed. Even though my bottom was sore, I felt way more relieved after getting the spanking over with. That feeling I got from Matt washed over me again, a feeling of pleasure and displeasure all mixed into one.

As much as the self spanking helped me reach this feeling, I still wish I had someone else to take care of business...

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