Phone Call

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I get home, still dealing with mixed emotions over the spanking I just received from my classmate. I head inside, stripping out of my dress and put on more comfortable clothes, shorts and an oversized hoodie.

I sit in my living room and find a YouTube video to watch to just chill out for a bit before I decide to go to bed. It was a Saturday night, but since I canceled plans to do school work, I didn't have anything going on for once and decided I was just going to call it early tonight.

After a bit, I feel my phone buzzing in my hoodie pocket. I pull it out, seeing "Shawn" lit up on my screen. I sigh, answering the call. "Hey." I answer.

"Hey. How are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm fine." I give a short answer.

The line was silent for a second before he spoke again. "Look. I over reacted a bit. I just really wanted to get our work done, and then I was going to find a movie for us to watch so we could just hang out and order dinner. I really shouldn't have given you a spanking or reacted that way. I'm sorry."

I let out a sigh before I decide to answer. "It's okay. I sort of deserved it."

"Well, I can't disagree with that."

I can't help but to smile, letting out a little giggle. "Well, I'm sure you had the best view in the house when you lifted up my dress."

"It wasn't a bad view, I know that. But I shouldn't have lifted your dress either. I'm sorry for that, it's an invasion of privacy and I've realized that."

I smirk. "You seemed so natural at doing it. Have you ever done this before?"

"Well, being the oldest sibling, I was often left in charge of baby sitting my younger siblings and sometimes I had to take charge of things."

"So I'm like a little sister to you? Even after you flirt with me?"

"Cut that shit out."

I laugh. "I'm sorry."

I hear him chuckle before we go silent for a second. Then he asks "what about you? First time being spanked?"

"No, I've been spanked before."

"Strict parents?"

"Thankfully not. It's a long story, but I've gotten a couple spankings from friends."

"No need to explain. Knowing you, that probably had their reasons."

I giggle again. "Shut up!"

"What?! You seem to have a very spanky personality!"

"What does that mean?!"

"You're pretty bratty, I'm surprised it took so long for someone to put you in your place."

I smile, letting out a sigh before I answer. "I am pretty bratty, you're right. I've definitely deserved all the spankings I've gotten."

"Well, hopefully I won't have to do it again. I feel bad about it."

"Don't feel bad. I'm the one who should feel bad for the way I acted, and I got put in my place."

"Yeah, you're right. Are you mad at me?"

I think for a second. "No, I'm not mad."

"Okay, good. Hopefully I won't have to spank you again."

We go silent for a second, and I smile. "I mean, if you do, I wouldn't mind it."

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah." I answer. "I mean, after my first spanking, I've sort of been thinking about it a lot and think I need it more in my life."

We go silent again. I can hear the gears turning in his head. "What's the worst you've been spanked before?"

I sink back into the couch. "Well, I've gotten spanked with a hairbrush on my bare ass before. That was hell."

"Bare ass huh? I'd love to see that."

I laugh. "Don't get your hopes up! You gotta earn that!"

I hear him chuckle. "Well with the way you act sometimes, it feels like it's something you'll earn pretty easily."

"Shut up!" I say, giggling.

He laughs. "Is this going to make things weird between us in class?"

"I don't think so. Just don't brag about it."

"Oh, so I should delete the tweet I just posted?"

"Shut up." I giggle. "Things will stay the same. It'll just be our little secret."

"I like secrets." He says.

I smile. "I like secrets too. I'm about to go to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay." He answers. "Again, I'm sorry if I caused you any embarrassment."

"It's okay. If it had to be with anyone, I'm glad it was with you." I say back. I'm met with silence for a second, neither one of us really knowing what to say.

"Have a good night. I'll talk to you tomorrow." He says before we hang up.

After I hang up the phone, I immediately call Kayla.

Kayla answers. "Sup Meggie?"

"You'll never guess what happened."

"The college blew up and decided to just give you your degree?"

I giggle. "No. I got spanked today, by a guy."

"NO WAY!" she yells. "What happened???"

I giggle. "Well, you know my chem partner Shawn?"

"The one with the cute ass and beautiful eyes?"

"Yeah that one." I say with a smirk. "Well, we got lunch together and studied tonight, working on a project, and I started to get a little bratty. So he yanked me over my lap and spanked me with my dress up."

"Oh my god." She replied. "How did you react?"

"It was....unexpected. It felt really embarrassing being in that position with a guy I've only known a little over a week. But looking back I definitely deserved it for misbehaving. He even called me after I came home to apologize."

"Are you mad at him?"

"I was at first, but after our phone call, I feel more relaxed about it. He seems like a really caring guy, just acted sporadically because I was being a bitch."

She giggles. "So what now? Is he your little spanking buddy?"

"I wouldn't say that! But I mean...I kind of did lay the offer on the table..."

"What did you tell him?"

"I said that I have been thinking about spankings a lot lately, and that if he felt that he needed to spank me again I wouldn't mind it happening."

"Sounds like you got yourself a spanking buddy!"

"Haha, don't call him that! Let's just say, friend with benefits. But a special sort of benefit."

Kayla giggles. "Well I'm happy that you got your ass beat Megan."

I roll my eyes and giggle. "Thanks Kayla. Hopefully he's as kind and caring as I believe him to be and he's not just a pervy maniac that just randomly spanks women."

"I hope so too. This could be what you're looking for."

"Yeah, I sure hope so. You going to bed soon?"

"Yeah. Me and Matt made cookies tonight, so he's cleaning the kitchen now then we're gonna watch a movie and go to bed."

"Sounds like a wholesome time. Thanks for listening to me. You two enjoy your night."

"I'll always listen to you. You're my best friend. You have a good night too!"

We hang up, and I resume my YouTube video, sinking further into the couch. I feel a bit of joy. I think I finally found a good man who will give me the spankings I deserve.

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