Movie Date

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About a week had passed since I last got spanked by Shawn. With as goofy as he is, he kept his word and didn't mention anything about the spankings in class. In fact, he didn't really talk about it at all. I've been too shy to bring it up myself, but it's always on my mind. The thought of being yanked over his lap constantly runs through my mind, and I could nearly feel the burn on my bottom just from the thought of it.

Our chem class was canceled, so I didn't get to see Shawn before the weekend started. So I decided to text him.

Megan: Hey. What are you doing tonight?

Shawn: nothing. Probably going to just play video games.

Megan: Do you wanna come over? We can watch a movie and I'll order pizza, as long as you bring the alcohol.

Shawn: Dinner, movie, and alcohol? Is this your way of asking me on a date?

Megan: Don't use my own come back against me! It's not a date! I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out 🙄

Shawn: 😂😂 if you want to be spanked so badly you could've just asked

I'm fluttered by his response. I wasn't fully expecting it, but if it happens, I guess it happens.... I can feel my face blushing as I try to come up with a response.

Megan: alright never mind

Shawn: I'm teasing you! I'd love to come over, the pizza and alcohol is on me, just pick a good movie.

Megan: Ok! Just make sure to leave your annoying at home.

Shawn: as long as you hide your bratting before I get there.

I blush again, putting my phone away as I walk to my car.

I get home, putting my bag away in my room. I look at myself in the mirror, deciding if I wanted to change. I'm currently wearing dark blue jeans and a hoodie, typical school attire. I pull off my hoodie, revealing my black bra underneath. I look through my closet, finding a black v neck shirt and sliding it on. The tight fitted shirt really shows off the goods. I check myself out in the mirror again. I look like an Applebees waitress.

"Good enough." I tell myself. I go back out into the living room to straighten up a bit before Shawn gets here, and find a movie that we can watch together.

My mind wanders off as I clean, thinking of what Shawn might do to me. A Friday night, watching a movie, and alcohol is involved? That could really leave the door open for anything to happen.

After about an hour, I hear a knock at the door. I smile and walk up to my door. "Who is it?"

"Pizza delivery!" I hear from the other side. "Large pizza with extra extra sausage!"

I smirk, deciding to play along with the bit. "Oh, you can take it back, I don't have the money to pay for it!"

"Oh I'm sure there's other ways you could pay me. Just open up this door!"

I giggle, opening the door to greet him. He was dressed pretty casually, in his old high school shirt and black sweatpants. He was carrying a large pizza box. "Oh sorry, I ordered drinks too, guess you forgot and I'm going to have to call your manager."

He smiles at me. "It's in my car. You wanna go grab it?"

"Sure!" I let him inside, then head outside to his car. I see the drinks in his front seat, a 12 pack of hard ciders and a big bottle of Tito's vodka. I grab them, closing the door with my hip and carrying them back in. "Tito's, you really know how to treat a girl."

He looks back and smiles at me as he's placing the pizza on my kitchen counter. "I'm typically a bourbon guy, but I figured that wouldn't be your speed so I got the safe choice. Hope that's alright."

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