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lando pov.

i was sitting in my work mclaren, parked out in a familiar space. it had been a while since i visited niamh at maeve's apartment. the last time was probably sometime in septembet last year, a year ago.

it was my day off that i had specifically blocked out for niamh, just like we spoke about in silverstone. i took my moment before putting on my cap and grabbing my bag with niamh's stuff in it and getting out of the car and making my way up to the apartment. 

i stand outside and check the time on my watch, not knowing if maeve would still be at home. i ring the doorbell and put on a smile on my face, waiting for it to be opened. 

"good morning!" i say when niamh opens the door and puts a little bit too much jump in that hug, making me stumble back a bit. "your ice cream's going to melt" i say and she lets me into the apartment.

 "lando?" i heard maeve call out as i slip my shoes off and make my way to the kitchen. "hey, are you busy?" i ask horrified, wondering if i had interrupted one of her online meeting things. she was dressed formally and had her earphones in alongside her laptop being placed at a convinient angle. quite likely. 

"no, i was just wrapping up some work before heading to my office. i wasn't expecting you, that too on a wednesday." she says, taking her earphones off and turning to look at niamh qho stood like a sims character with her lips pursed, eyes shuttling in between maeve and i.

"oh" i say, fixing my cap trying to think of something to say but my brain was fogged. she looked so beautiful right now. she was wearing a formal short sleeved blouse with puffed sleeves. her bangs stuck out while the rest of her hair was clipped back. i realised i'd been silent for too long. 

"anyways, are you staying for the day?" she asked, turning off her laptop and i nodded. "uh huh" i said, putting the bag in my hands down on the dining table. i noticed niamh shuffle through the bag and rush to put the box of ice cream into the freezer.

"don't you have a race next weekend?" "no. i'll be leaving for saudi on monday. i'm here for a few days and thought i'd catch up" i say and she nods, getting up and walking towards me.

lando, focus.  i tell myself when i notice she's wearing a skirt. maeve was an avid pant wearer but i absolutely loved it when she wore skirts. they always looked so good on her- everything did though.

i shake my head and clear my throat when she says something about niamh's ballet class. "i know, she doesn't have class today. that's why i thought i'd drop by." i tell her and she nods as she packs her bag up. 

"well, isn't that wonderful. she won't be bored all day now" maeve says and niamh nods enthusiastically before hugging maeve.

"have a good day at work, don't be sad. we'll try and save you some ice cream" niamh jokes and maeve chuckles. "i'll be honoured. don't burn down the house- i'm begging you please just have the rice or order in something, yeah?"  she warns and niamh nods. 

"don't worry mom. we'll be okay. does this mean i can skip on the history sheets today since dad's here?" i look at maeve awkwardly, academics was not somewhere i'd give my input often. i knew maeve had a better judgement for it.

"okay." she said and i smiled at niamh, knowing very well we'd already made a list of things we were going to do and history sheets were not a part of it.

"one last thing- i'm not expecting anymore visitors so if the bell rings-" "don't answer it unless we're expecting someone. yes mom. i know" niamh says and i interrupt.

"i'd like to remind you that i'm an adult too?" i say and maeve surpresses a smile. "exactly. and he's like older than you- maemaaa~ we'll be fine. and by the way you're running late" niamh says and maeve checks the time on her watch. 

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