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maeve pov.

maire's baby shower was beautiful.

leigh had really gone all out, from the venue, decor to the food and games. arlo and ronan couldn't make it but everyone else was here. and i mean everyone. people i haven't met or seen since maire's wedding.

i had a brief conversation with my parents about france since the news did happen to reach to them. it wasn't too pleasant and my mother was definitely taken aback, since i'd dropped below disappointment for her long ago.

i was more surprised when my dad asked to speak to me without my mother around to ask about lando.

he'd been an old man and definitely had the change of heart over the years.  he'd still been indifferent about the contract and still wanted me to make a decision about it rather than just ignoring the entire thing like he has for the past 3 years.

"how is he doing, is he good to her?" he asked and i smiled a little at the thought of niamh and lando together. they'd been best friends even before niamh was born. "yes. he's around quite often actually. lando's doing great. and well, as long as she's happy, i'm okay" i tell him, glancing at niamh from the corner of my eye to see her talking to maire. 

dad  followed my gaze and i heard him let out a hearty sigh. "she looks like you, more talkative." he said and i smiled. "really?" i asked and he nodded.

 "forgive me maeve, if you can. i should've been there for all three of you. you've done me proud maeve and i'm sorry i couldn't be a better father. i'm glad your child didn't have the same life as you. it took me all these years to realise how important it is to keep my family together. it is not easy and i feel like i didn't even try." he said i pursed my lips. i could tell he was speaking from his heart. 

maybe it wasn't too late to mend this.

"and, tell lando he was right. he's a great father" he added and i titled my head. "he is, but what do you mean?" i didn't know why he was suddenly talking about lando after avoiding the topic like the plague all these years. we hadn't spoken anything genuinely since my mother broke the news about niamh to him all those years ago. his birthday gala and today may have been the only exceptions. 

"he'll know. will you introduce me to her, properly?" he asked and i looked back at niamh who spot me. i nodded at at her and niamh came upto us.

"what's up mom- uh, hello" she gave my dad a short nod and he smiled. "niamh, you know who is right?" i whisper to her and she nodded. "you dad" she whispered back and i nervously licked my lips.

i know how rude it was that she considered all of my side of the family to be related just to me, never wanting anything to do with my parents and rory but i never got around to teaching her to accept it, simply because it was mutual. which is wrong, but here's me trying.

"yes and he's your grandfather, other one." i say to her and she took a shallow breath before nodding, catching onto what i was telling her to do.

"hello niamh, nice to you meet you. arlo calls me nano if you will" he tells her and she slowly nodded. "okay" she fidgeted with her necklace that lando got her while looking at me.

"maeve was telling me you do ballet. ever seen or heard of the firebird?" niamh titled her head. "i'm not sure, is it russian?" he nodded and i watched as their conversation flowed. when niamh got comfortable, i took a step back and found leigh.

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