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Hello everyone! Here is a quick introduction before we jump in to this story. Please read before moving ahead!

First and foremost, a story-wide warning. This book will contain some uncomfortable topics, including injuries, blood, rape, abuse, sex, and descriptive writing of those and possibly other topics. If you are bothered by anything, I advise passing up this story, or being very mindful when reading and skipping if things make you uncomfortable.

Next topic, this story will contain smut, however it won't be the whole book, and chapters containing this content will have a warning at the beginning for those who'd like to pass that part. This story is going to have a lot of tension, at least from what I'm thinking when coming up with future plot, and what I'd like to call 'eventual smut.'

I use google translate while writing this story, so some things might be wrong (because we all know how accurate google translate is). I put all translations at the end of the little paragraph that the foreign language was used in.

This story does not follow any type of canon story line from the games, merely the character from the canon story line. I do not own these characters, just my OC's and my plot.

Another side note, this story is new terrain for me. I have read plenty of stories on here containing Ghost or Konig (and some with both) and I'm here to say I'm absolutely in love with the idea of a love triangle, so here I am trying it out. I hope to bring a drama filled, make you kick your legs and giggle, then throw your phone in frustration type of story *sorry in advance*

So, with that being said, please bear with me as I try and figure this out.

As much as I love to write, I have a life outside of Wattpad, and writing is not top priority. I will update as much as I can, however depending on how life is going, updates might be slow at times.

I am not the bestest writer, and don't claim to be, so if you see plot holes or grammatical mistakes please feel free to let me know so I can fix them :)

Votes and comments help out a lot, and I love interacting with you all and reading your thoughts on the story.

Now, on to the story! I hope everyone enjoys and I'm truly grateful for you guys for taking the time to read my work <3

Whispers in the Dark (Ghost/Konig)Where stories live. Discover now