Chapter: 6

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Lucy's POV

*You must end them or our plan will never work*
I glanced around hearing his voice in my head to see him standing by his throne smiling at me *Yes Father.*
"Let's finish this quickly. I have a guild to destroy."
I watched in mild amusement as the colour drained from their faces.
Erza was the first to react re-quipping into Her heavens wheel armour.
"You may be one of my teammates and even my Friend but you will never destroy our guild!" Her voice echoed throughout the room as she lunged forward with her sword aimed at me.
I laughed at her as I dodged "I thought that this would be more challenging Erza Scarlet 'Titana' of Fairy Tail." She charged at me again Her face a mask of fury.
"You are not our Lucy!" She swung Her sword and I dodged but I wasn't fast enough it grazed my upper arm leaving behind a small cut. I glared at it and then at Erza.
"Well, then it seems like I need to start getting serious."
She stepped back a few paces and held Her sword up. The firey look in her eyes was impressive.
I chuckled "It's time to end this." I jumped up into the air and watched as her determination faltered "Firey Death Dragon's Roar."
Erza's eyes widened in fear as she realized that she couldn't dodge my attack.
"Erza!" Wendy cried and ran over to where the dust was settling. Erza was on the ground face down and unconscious.
I laughed "what are you going to do now Fairy Tail your 'Titana' has don't stand a chance."
Grey and Natsu started to walk towards me "I don't know what he did to you Lucy but we will bring you down and fix this!"
I giggled at how serious Grey sounded "I took Erza down quickly... You don't stand a chance."
"Not alone we don't." Grey started
"But together we will." Natsu finished.
I smirked it's about time they started taking me seriously.
"Fire Dragon's Roar!"
"Ice-Make Cannon!"
They attacked together from different directions, I couldn't dodge them both. Just as they were about to hit I felt a tail wrap around my waist and lift me high in the air both attacks missing me.
I looked up and smiled "Thank you Sakura."
She looked down and returned the smile "Of course Mistress."
"Let's finish this together."
She nodded "Let's."
I aimed at Grey, I could feel my power burning inside me "Fire Dragon's Roar!" A beam of fire headed straight for him.
"Grey move!" Natsu pushed him out of the way and swallowed my flames. Natsu glared up at me from the ground "How do you know two dragon abilities?"
I grinned "Oh, I'm sorry Natsu did I forget to tell you?"
He growled, "What else haven't you told us?"
"Everything." Sakura turned and we dived towards Natsu and Grey- who was still on his knees "Water Dragon's Roar!" My attack hit them head-on.
"Nicely done Mistress."
The steam cleared and I saw that Grey had put up an ice wall.
"Looks like this is just getting started."
The wall disappeared and they were both unharmed.
"You're gonna have to try harder than that to bring us down Luce!"
I snarled "Not for long Natsu!" I looked down and aimed for Natsu "Ultimate Fire Dragon's Roar, Lava!"
His eyes went wide "Lava?"
At the last second, I turned and hit Grey with my attack sending him flying into the wall by Erza and Wendy. Now it was just the two of us.
"That was a cheap shot Lucy!" he screamed at me from below.
"Natsu!" I looked over to see Happy fly over to him and fly him up to my level.
"Thanks, buddy!"
"Aye Sir!"
Our eyes met and I felt slightly uneasy "Luce you need to stop this, come home where you belong."
I narrowed my eyes "I am home, Natsu."
"No, you're not he did something to you. I will bring you back Luce... I promised to protect you no matter what!"
"We'll see about that... Ice Dragon's Roar!"
They dodged it quickly "Please Lushee, we don't want to fight you!" Happy pleaded tears forming in his eyes.
"I can never...Sky Dragon's Roar!"
"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" our attacks clashed and cancelled each other out.
"I tire of this."
"Mistress, are you planning on what I think you are?" Sakura's voice was tinted with fear and worry.
"Not him, but something to make him pause."
She nodded "I understand."
I looked at Natsu and grinned "It's time to end this...I open thee portal to the other world and call forth the King of Flames! Igneel!"
Natsu's eye's widened "Wha-"
There was an explosion of smoke and an ear-piercing roar. When the smoke cleared there was a huge red Dragon.
"What would you have me do little one?" a deep voice boomed from the dragon.
I pointed at Natsu "End him."
The dragon looked to where I was pointing and froze "N... Natsu?"
Natsu's face was frozen in shock "Y-you knew where he was this whole time?" his voice was quiet
"I know where all of them are."

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