Chapter: 8

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Natsu's POV

She vanished "Natsu... What did she mean?" I turned to look at Happy who was staring at the spot Lucy had just disappeared from.
"I don't know buddy."
"Does your 'Master' even teach you the history of your guild?" my eyes widened at the sound of her voice.
"Of course he does!" Erza said angrily to the feline.
"Then you should know."
I sighed in frustration "Know what?!"
She growled "Your 'guild' killed her mother." Her words shocked us all to the core. "They all ganged up on her and murdered her in cold blood."
"You're lying!" I screamed "Our members would NEVER do such a thing! We are all family!"
"Sakura... C-could you tell us what happened to Lucy's mom?" Wendy's voice was so quiet I had barely heard her.
Sakura eyed us all "What would you do with this information?"
"Maybe we could help." Wendy pleaded "Please?"
She sighed "It can't do any harm... Sit down." we all sat down near Her staring at her intently. "You must all understand that this happened when Lucy was very young. She was really close to her mother when she was alive."
"You mean Layla?" I interrupted
She glared at me. "No... Jude and Layla were just her cover parents Now shut up and let me finish. Lucy's mother was the founder of a guild and that guild was very quickly turning into her second family, Zeref was never around he was always too busy creating demons and gaining power to protect them. One night Lucy's mom was kidnapped by her guild they threatened her saying that unless she left Zeref and Lucy and stayed with them they would kill them both and make her watch. She agreed to it but asked to at least be able to say goodbye, surprisingly they agreed. During her goodbyes to Lucy and Zeref, he tried to take her away so that they could all stay together... But the guild found out and attacked them. One of the members tried attacking Lucy but her mother jumped in front of her and was hurt badly. Zeref hired the best healers money could buy and kept her in their room. While she was recovering one of the guild members snuck into their house and into her room and slit her throat while she was sleeping, the member also took her soul and ripped it into many pieces making sure that no type of magic could ever bring her back. The member also left a note for Zeref blaming him saying that it was all his fault and that they would not have a leader who could die so easily."
The room was silent as she finished.
"That's horrible!" Wendy cried.
There was something nagging at the back of my mind "Hey Sakura... What does Fairy Tail have to do with it?"
Sakura sighed "Her mother's name was Mavis and she was the founder of Fairy Tail."
I was stunned we all were.
"But that can't be true..." Grey trailed off.
"Are you calling me a liar?" Sakura hissed at him.
"N-no, ma'am! It's just that..."
"We were always told that Zeref killed Mavis in a fit of rage and he left her body for us to find with half of her soul ripped." Erza finished for Grey.
Sakura looked at her in confusion "Half?"
Erza nodded "Yes the other half has always stayed at our guild hall watching over us and helping whenever she can."
"Does she remember anything of her Death? Her family?"
"No she is in the form of a chil-" Erza trailed off and her face became a mask of horror.
"Erza what's wrong?" Wendy cried
"Lucy... She's been around her mother for years..."
It clicked in my head "Her mother didn't even know it was her...all that time and she didn't even know."
Sakura nodded "It gave her more reason to hate you every day."
"But we didn't do it!" Grey cursed
"Nobody knows what happened except for my father and my mother... I plan on finding out no matter what."
I spun around and saw Lucy standing by the golden doors. "Luce..."
She held up her hand "We will see what happens next. I'm going after my father to find the truth I don't care what you do next but stay out of my way." With that, she turned around and walked out of the cavern.
I turned back to Sakura "I have one more question."
She narrowed Her eyes at me "What is it?"
"How can she summon Igneel?"
She blinked "It's not my place to say... You will have to ask her."
I looked back towards the door "I don't know about you guys but I want to help her find the truth."
"Agreed." Erza nodded and looked at everyone else "Looks like we have work to do."
I smiled "Let's go help, Lucy!"
"Aye Sir!"

Hey guys sorry for the boring chapter but it was fairly important. I'll try to make the other chapters more fun also from here on there Will definitely be more NaLu any way on with the show and I hope you enjoy!

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