chapter 34

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" damn it" I heard Iqraam curse for the first time ever

It was Iqraam's mum, aunty Musa

I don't know how much she heard but she was looking between me and Iqraam in suspicion

I quickly pushed Iqraam away and took two steps away from him

Oh god, where do I start explaining from

"Aunty, we were just" I started

"It's okay Malika, you can go" aunty Musa said before I could say a word more

I picked up the juice jug from the kitchen island and looked at Iqraam

Our eyes met and he signalled for me to go out of the kitchen

I walked out of the kitchen, to the dining room

" What took you so long?" My dad asked

" jug, I couldn't find the jug " I stuttered out

"Iqraam went to look for you" my mom said and I nodded

" Yeah he did " I said and continued eating my food

After a few minutes Iqraam and his mum walked into the dining hall

They both sat down and we continued dinner normally

Aunty made no mention of what happened and so did Iqraam

Dinner continued normally and we prayed Isha together afterwards before the Musa's left our home


I sighed again for the uptenth time

It was the next day and I was in my office
I couldn't concentrate on any work

Iqraam hasn't contacted me or even sent me a message since last night and he didn't respond to my messages either

Different scenarios came up in my head about what could happen if he told his mum about me

My phone rang breaking my trail of thoughts

I picked it up, it was my mom

I answered the call

"As Salam alaikum" my mom said

"Wa alaikumus Salam" I replied

" Can you come home right now" my mom said urgently

"What's the matter mom?" I asked

" Come home first dear" my mom replied and cut the call

I picked up my purse and car keys and walked out of my office

" Reya, I'm going home, if I'm not back rearrange my schedule " I said to Reya who already resumed work back

" Okay miss Malika" Reyna replied and I made my way to the elevator, going to the parking lot

I got there soon and got in my car, making my way home


" As Salam alaikum" I said while entering the house

I came as fast as I could

I walked to the living room

My mom, dad, Abdullah, Iqraam's dad, mom and Iqraam were all seated in the living room

" Wa alaikumus Salam" they all replied

" What's going on?" I asked looking around

" Come here Malika" my mom said and I walked over to her, still not understanding what was going on

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