chapter 1

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Malika's POV.

" Urrrrgh" I groaned as I sat up from my bed, I glared on as I looked at the stupid smile on my brother's face
He's probably happy because he managed to annoy me but can't a girl sleep in on Saturday!?

"What do you want" I asked and his smile went from wide to goofy

"Nothing much, just that mum asked me to wake you up for breakfast" He answers but I know there's more, he literally started with nothing much and I know my brother too well to be convinced, sides he wouldn't wake me up on a norms just because mum told him to

"What do you really want" I asked again narrowing my eyes to pressure him

"Fine fine, you got me" he raised his hands up in defeat
"Can I please drive your range Rover today?" He asks and looked at me pleadingly

"Nope and why?" I asked back and yes I'm a car lover, I love sport cars and off-road cars

"You know you're my darling and kind sister? I want to take it out today, I'm going to the outer skirts of the city for business and something else"he says and I just kept my eyes narrowed on him

"Is that why you disturbed my peaceful sleep?"I ask this time exasperatedly
"Just go already " I whined

"You know you're the best of best sisters right" He drawled wriggling his brows at me and
I just chuckled and kicked him away

"Get out already, this princess has to sleep" I whined causing him to chuckle

"I'm serious about the part where mum asked you to go downstairs for breakfast" He said while walking out of my room

I got out of bed to freshen up, I know I wouldn't be able to sleep anymore

"Thanks a lot Abdul" I mumbled

I knew he only came to inform me about taking the car so I wouldn't question him later

I walked towards the mirror in my room while saying Alhamdulilah, I'm so grateful for everything in my life.

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself and I couldn't help but say Masha'Allah, not to be narcissistic but I'm pretty and I appreciate my beauty, my shoulder length 4c hair that reached waist length when stretched, yes I'm partly African
I have light skin but I can't be considered white
I have chocolate brown eyes, long lashes, full brows and full lips

I went to the bathroom to freshen up and I put on comfy clothes,baggy denim jeans and grey hoodie with black hijab, black goes with everything

Afterwards, I made my way downstairs to the dining hall

"As salam alaikum and good morning people" I chirped in a sing song tone

I went to kiss mum on the cheeks and same for dad

Dad was seated at the head of the table as usual and mum was on his right and Abdullah on his left

I went to dad's left through his back and pinched Abdul on his cheeks while mum and dad replied  "wa alaikumus salam and good morning sweetheart"

"Ouch" Abdullah groans out as I pinched his cheeks harder

"That's what you get for not replying" I said to him in the same sing song tone

"Muuum"he drawled calling out to mum and looking at her with puppy dog eyes

She smiled at him and said "She's your little sister dear" and I look at him triumphantly and walk to my sit, next to Abdul's

"You guys are spoiling her, you know right" Abdul tries to reason with them
And Dad chuckled and says to him

"You spoil her the most"

And then I smiled at him blinking my eyes and kissing him on the cheek

"I don't have a choice, okay" Abdul says in an exasperated tone

And I just looked at all the tantalizing food on the table, everything looks so yummy and I'm sure mum made them

[Author's note: I hoped you liked the first chapter, it's short but there are longer chapters ahead

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Also don't mind my terrible writing style, it will get better insha' Allah]

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