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It's merely another crowded night at GOLD, the one of the luxurious club in Bangkok. Some of them want to release their stress and some of them just want to hang out in here. These past few weeks are pretty rough, just like any other week, for a tall looking-gorgues man found sipping a glass of champagne after a very tough week. There were fitting for new work, shooting till the sun down, and countless of social media content-related to film. He is Zee Pruk, an award-winning actor that's loved by the whole nation in Thailand. With just his presence, it can already blitz your existence, especially when his sharp gaze can make anyone melted to the ground.

Zee came straight to the club from his work which is fitting for his upcoming series that will start filming soon… but before heading to the club he obviously had to clean himself first so he went to his manager's house for a quick shower. Why did he choose this place for a relaxing place? Well actually, this is not his first time being here. He's already been a regular customer since a year ago. In this place, it's going to sound very snobby but only eligible person can enter this place so there will no people screaming around when they see a famous person in here.

Usually he will hang around with his friends here but for tonight, he just want to have a calm-cozy night away from the biz. He's barely getting a free-time like this after lots of work, tonight's miracle for him — a time for him to just have a champagne in this luxurious club. His eyes lingering across the room and his eyes caught a familiar looking man sitting on the bar stool. He takes a few step closer to make sure that's the guy he thought. And it's him, it's Nunew Chawarin, a very popular singer nowadays. Who would sweep all the charts and win the title of popular song every week whenever he releases a song, for a straight 13 weeks.

They actually have attended the same events several times but never had a chance to talk because it was always really hectic with the media and stuff and because Zee is known as social butterfly, he decided to approach Nunew who's sitting alone there.

"Is this seat taken?" asks Zee softly as he ask for permission to sit besides Nunew. Nunew turns his head and shakes his head, "No, feel free to sit on it" says Nunew with a such a beautiful smile.

Zee smiles back and sits besides him, "You're Nunew, right?"

Nunew slightly nods, "Yes, I am"

"Congratulations for your new single, i saw it topped the chart again" says Zee as he puts down his glass.

"Well, thank you so much, Khun Zee. Also, congratulations for winning the best series" replies Nunew back with another compliment.

"You know me? Haha"

"My mom is a huge fan of yours. She would literally aske me for your sign every single day" says Nunew with a chuckles.

"I can give her my sign now" Zee acted like he's ready to sign anything he can sign which cause a laugh from Nunew.

"Slow down, Khun Zee hahaha"

Zee takes out his palm, "Please, just call me Zee"

Nunew reached his palm and shakes a bit, "Okay, Zee...." Then both of them let go their handshake.

"So, are you alone today?" asks Zee.

"Yeah, my manager dropped me here" answered Nunew after took a sip of his mocktail.

"Are you here often?"

"I don't think so? This is my fourth visit and the thing i love about this bar that they have a spa treatment and it's really good"

"oh? I didn't know that this place has a spa"

"They don't promote it much but it's pretty good for relaxing your body after work, they also have traditional Thai massage, Shiatsu, and others" Nunew explained it very excitedly which makes him looks really cute, in Zee's eyes.

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