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"We're going to have so much fun.....my bad doggy" Nunew smirked as he rubbing Zee's face with his hand. Zee looks at Nunew with his eyeballs shaking. Oh no, what he's going to do?......



Now, Zee is being tied up on the bed with both of his hand and legs are tied to the every edge of the bed, and he's naked as well. Don't ask how Nunew did it, he just have sudden superpower when he's angry. Zee laid on the bed weakly with a collar still attached on his neck. He look around Nunew is nowhere to be found but then the bathroom's door is opening and Nunew is coming out from there, wearing a sheer robe with nothing underneath. Zee gulped so hard when he saw that coming.

Nunew walks slowly towards the bed, then sit on the side of the bed, "I hope you'll learn to never betrayed your master again after this" Nunew smiled as he looking at Zee then he opens his drawer and takes out a mini whip. He traces Zee's arm with the whip that makes Zee's body shivered hard.


He whipped Zee's chest so hard until it leaves a red straight mark on his chest. Zee screamed as he feel such a pain on his chest, it's like a sharp knives scratched on his chest.


Nunew gets on top of Zee's body and sits on his stomach, "Huhhmm.....I admit that i was a bit exaggerating with your ex, i did feel so insecure when i met her at that time. it took me a while to realize that...." Nunew paused in between his words, "..... I'm way BETTER than her" Nunew continued to whip Zee's chest with his whip that makes Zee screams so hard begging it to stop.


Nunew paused his whip and looked at Zee, "You told me to stop?" He put down his whip and bend down to be closer to Zee's face.

"Oh honey, i will get crazy on you all night long...." Nunew shut Zee's mouth with a kiss with a tongue slipped into Zee's mouth. He explores every inch of Zee's mouth and absences his teeth. Zee can't move a bit and can only kisses Nunew's back, he want to embrace Nunew's tiny body and get on top of him but he can't, right?

Nunew sucks Zee's bottom lips and bites it a little bit, it seems like he likes what he's doing. He let go of Zee's lips and back to sit on Zee's stomach, then he opens the knot on his sheer robe, takes off the robe, and throws it to the floor.

"Let's see if you can handle me" Nunew grabs the leash and pull it hard, Zee can feel the tense on his neck when Nunew pull the leash.

Nunew slides his butt to the back and he feel that 'bump' on his butt. Zee hissed when Nunew's butt bumped with his dick and it doesn't take long for his dick to 'stand-up'.


"Looks like Zee's junior can't wait anymore" said Nunew as he wiggles his ass on Zee's dick.

"Nuuhhh.....aaahhhh" Zee can only clenched his fist, again, he can't do anything with his hand still on-tied.

Nunew smirked and lifted his butt then put Zee's dick inside his hole. He frowned his brows a bit when he slides the dick inside and Zee already at almost-passed out state when his dick gets inside Nunew, the sensation is always the same and still amazed him - the tightness and the warmness are still top tier.

Nunew wiggles his butt a bit to 'adapt' Zee's dick inside him and with that just little wiggle, he already moans a little.

"Ahhh...." Nunew closed his eyes as he feels that satisfying feels when he wiggles his butt.

Zee feels the dizziness on his head because of the tightness from Nunew's hole that makes him going crazy. If he wasn't tied-up, he will bang Nunew so hard for sure.

Nunew starts to move his hip as Zee's dick going further inside of him. Because he's the one in control now, he can move freely and because he's so horny right now, he moves his hip a bit faster.

"Nghhh aahhhh....." Nunew moaned as he moving on top of Zee. He pulled that leash and it looks like he's riding on a horse by holding on that leash. Zee feels suffocating by how Nunew's keep pulling the leash but at the same time, he feel so good......


"Ssshhhh fuckkhhh...."

Both of them are moaning uncontrollably. Nunew moves so crazy on top of Zee, he literally 'hopped' and looks so 'enthusiastic' by how he moves his hip up and down like that. Zee who can't do anything but to feel crazy inside can only moves his hip on the opposite direction which it will thrust deeper inside Nunew.

Nunew's body shivered so hard as he almost reaching his peak and it goes same as Zee. Nunew placed his hands on Zee's chest as he going full force to move his hip.


"Shithhhh aarrrghhhh....."

The bed is moving like crazy, literally it's like an earthquake. Zee keep opens and closes his eyes repeatably when Nunew humped his butt so hard. Seeing Nunew at this state, with that full on sweat, red face and that opened mouth, is really into Zee's liking, even though Zee's kinda forget why is he here.

Nunew changes his position again by holding on Zee's thigh so his position is kinda leaning back. He's moving in such a full-speed until his moaning sounds trembled.


Hump by hump, Nunew humped his butt so hard like there will be no tomorrow. The dick inside of him is twitching hard and Nunew can feel his hole is easier to move because of the pre-cum. With this, Nunew moves hip even faster than before and finally he burst it out......

"AAHHHHHHHHH......." Nunew's cum is spreaded all over Zee's chest and face.

Then followed by Zee who's cummed inside of him.


Nunew's body jolted when Zee burst his cum inside of him and he's still jolted even after the first burst. Nunew lays his body tiredly on top of Zee as they still catching on their breath.

"I swear to god Nuhhh....I will fuck you so hard when i get out from this...." said Zee as he still breathes heavily.

"You'll get to fuck me after i forgive you.....and now i still haven't forgive you...." Nunew straighten his back again after that quick rest. He pulled the leash again that makes Zee looking at him.

"Because I'm not done yet" Nunew smirked and it scared the hell out of Zee. Tonight, it will be a very very very tough night for Zee........



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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