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Last night was such very long night for them, Zee and Nunew just slept at 3 AM after having countless of round with varieties of style, missionary, helicopter, horse style, or whatever style that they knew. The reason why they're dare to spend a long night and oversleep like this are because both of them only have night schedule for today so their manager let them to have a mini-break before their schedule for tonight. Their schedule are different tho, Nunew is having a meeting for his next single and Zee is having a reading with cast from his upcoming series.

They curled on the bed with Zee hugging Nunew and Nunew resting on Zee's chest, Nunew is literally small spoon and Zee is the big spoon. Zee is the first who opens his eyes, he opens it slowly and blinks it few times before he actually wakes up. He looks down and found Nunew still sleeping on his chest, he gives a kiss on Nunew's head and squeezes him in his arms.

Nunew who still sleeping wiggles when he senses a movement that disturbs his sleep. Zee strokes Nunew's head and whispers on his ears, "It's time to wake up, baby"

Nunew wiggles even more after Zee whispered, it seems like he doesn't want to get up. Zee smiles at the sleeping Nunew and rubs his hair.

"I'll go make you breakfast " Zee slowly moved Nunew's body on a cozier pillow, he make sure that he doesn't disturb Nunew's dream then he gets down from the bed, wears his pants and shirt, and walks to the kitchen to make some breakfast for them.

He is just going to make some grilled cheese sandwich because it's the easiest breakfast that he can make, also he haven't go for groceries shopping yet so his fridge is pretty empty. Zee takes some pieces of bread and butters all of them. After he buttered it, he puts 6 layers of cheese so it can be melted when its cut in a half.

He took a frypan and put it on top of the stove then turn on the heat. He puts some butter on it when the pan already hot before he puts the cheese sandwich and grills it. He grilled it fot about 5 minute, not too long because he doesn't want to burn it, it need to be a crisp golden brown on the layer.

Zee put the grilled sandwiches on the plate and sliced it, the cheese is perfectly melted along with hot steam. Not long after that, Nunew came out from the bedroom as he using a blanket to cover himself. He walks towards the dining while Zee is preparing the breakfast there.

"You're already awake" Zee looked at Nunew who is sitting on the chair with the blanket on him.

"What are you making?? Hoaammmm" He still yawned as he just waking up.

"Nothing much, it's just grilled cheese" Zee put the plate filled with grilled cheese sandwich on the table. Nunew smelled that butter and cheese aroma and it woke him up.

Nunew looked at the grilled cheese with his watery mouth, "That's my favorite breakfast"

Zee chuckles seeing Nunew like this, "Have a bite then" He pushed the plate to Nunew.

Nunew took a piece of the sandwich, he blew it a little and bite it right on the cheesy part. Munches after munches, he was strucked by the flavour as he munching it with a smile on his face. Later, he almost finished all the sandwiches but he saved the last piece for Zee as he have eaten it. Seeing Nunew happily eating his food, it's making Zee's chest getting warmer.

"So at what time you need to get back?" Zee asked as he biting the last piece of the grilled cheese.

Nunew looked at the time on the wall, "Hmmm, maybe in 2 hours. I still need to pack my mic at home" The times shows 11 AM, so Nunew need to leave at 1 PM.

"Want me to drop you off?"

"No need, i brought my car" Nunew shook his head as he drinks a glass of water that he just poured.

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