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One month.

It has been one month that Zee and Nunew are in the 'relationship' that they're agreed on. For the whole month, their life changes drastically because usually they're alone when they working but now they have a 'plus one' as their partner. Also they keep swapping places to stay, sometimes it will be at Zee's and sometimes at Nunew's place. Eventually, they're already mingled with each other.

Now, they're watching TV on the living room at Zee's place. Zee cuddles Nunew in his hug and Nunew just rest his head on Zee's while watching his cartoon, Garfield. They're having a 3-days break from the manager because for this past one month, they're working tirelessly and nonstop. It's important to keep their boys healthy, both mentally and physically, so the managers arranged this three-days break for them to relax themselves.

Actually, Zee already thinking about how they will spend these three days but he hasn't tell Nunew about it, so he about to tell him now.

"Baby" Zee rubs Nunew's head slowly.


"Do you want to go to Chiang Rai? We can spend our holidays there?" Zee finally tell about his plan.

Nunew quickly sits down, "Your hometown?"

"Uh-huh" Zee nodded his head.

Then it's Nunew's turn to nod his head, "Sure, it will be fun plus we can see your family there"

"Unfortunately, my parents and my sisters are at the other province and will be back in 5 days"

Nunew looks a little sad but then he comes back with a smile on his face, "It's okay, we can meet them in another time"

"So when will we be going and where will we be staying at?" asked Nunew.

"Actually i already booked a resort there and we will be going tonight...." said Zee that makes Nunew widened his eyes.


"I just want to surprise you. This resort has tons of fun activities and I'm pretty sure that you will like it" Zee hold on Nunew's hand.

Nunew let go of Zee's hand and crosses his arms over his chest, "Really? How far have you known me hm?"

"You will get to walk with an elephant beside you" Zee knew that Nunew is a big animal lover so he picked a resort that has a nature activity involving animals and luckily, he found this Four Season Tented Camp Resort had the activity package that he wanted.

Nunew's eyes sparkles when he heard it about the elephant, "Okay we're leaving now" Nunew jumped out from the sofa and quickly ran to prepare everything that he need.

Zee just laughs looking at his little getting excited about the trip, "Just bring your amenities and important stuff, baby. We can buy the clothes there" shouted Zee from the living room.

"I NEED TO BEST OUTFIT TO MEET THE ELEPHANT" shouted Nunew from the bedroom.

Zee shakes his head, "You'll get dirty anyway" Zee shouted back.

"I DON'T CARE" And yes, Nunew still on his ground.

But eventually, Zee manages to tell Nunew to bring just a few clothes even though he's getting grumpy right now. Okay, it's time to go to the airport before Nunew getting more grumpy....


And finally....... After 1 hour-ish flight, they have arrived at CHIANG RAI !!! He already contacted the resort that they have arrived and they're okay with it and ready to greet them. Now, Zee and Nunew are in a car that somehow Zee happened to have it in Chiang Rai.

Oops! | ZeeNunewWhere stories live. Discover now