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Nunew walked furiously inside Zee's company building after he arrived. Well, he actually there for a reason. Right after that tweet from Disbitch out, Mr. Jo asked Zee to come immediately and Nunew too, as his 'lover'.

He opened Mr. Jo's office door and found Zee sitting right there, he approaches him angrily. Zee sees that Nunew already came, he immediately stand up from his seat but then he received something from Nunew....


A slap. The very loud one and this one is going to bruise.

Zee touched his cheek and looks at Nunew that's look so scary right now, "You...asshole....She is your ex?!!! What the fuck Zee?!!" Nunew stormed out the whole room. Mr. Jo, Leang, and Fae quietly leaving the room, they didn't want to interrupt with this 'lover business'.

"I'm sorry....." Zee looked down in deeply sorrow.

"Oh wow, you're sorry now, dickhead? How about that day when you met me at the mall with her ?!! Don't you feel sorry? And now this, you entered a hotel with her??? Are you out of your mind??!!!" Clearly, Nunew's raged out her anger now.

"I-i can explain...." Zee stuttered.

"Explain what huh? You're really something, Zee. You didn't even call me for these past few days. What? You busy? Busy hooking up with her?"

Zee shook his head fast, "I'm not hooking up with her..."

"You'll think i believe you now? Tsk, idiot" Nunew clicked his tongue as he still raging inside.

Zee looked down and breathe heavily, "Lana is ....... my recent ex before i met you. So when i knew she's going to be my coworker, i didn't know why but i felt happy and actually that day when we met, we were shooting our scene together, I felt so happy and i know that it's wrong because i already have you. She invited me to the hotel and i just..... unconsciously agreed with it. But the moment i stepped in the lobby, i knew that was wrong so i left the hotel..." Explained Zee. Nunew can't believe what he just heard, so Zee actually still have tiny bity feeling for her? For fuck sake.

Nunew breathes heavily and crossed his arms over his chest, "You're so fucking stupid, Zee"

"I was totally blind...." Zee expressed his regret from his eyes but Nunew just stared at him viciously.

"Of course you will cause I'm going to rip off your eyeballs" Nunew clenched his fist like he's about to squeeze Zee's eyeballs.

"Please forgive me...." Zee keep begging and begging but Nunew obviously doesn't want to forgive him easily.

"And it's clearly that she wanted your attention because she's ruined right now"

Zee frowned his brows, "What do you mean?"

Nunew rolls his eyes, "Geez, she had a prostitute scandal but her agency denied it but public opinion on her already gone bad. And her being in the series again is clearly an act of nepotism" How Nunew know all of this? Duh, he has a walking gossip machine called Fae.

"W-what..?" Seems like Zee doesn't believe of what Nunew just said.

Nunew grabbed Zee's collar and pull it harshly, "Listen, you idiot. I don't need you, i have value. I don't need you to be popular, I am popular. I have my own money and i don't need yours. You're so stupid for wasting me for THAT ex of yours" said Nunew in front of Zee's face. Then he pushes Zee away and dusts his hands.

"I'm so sorry, Nu.... I know my act is unforgivable but i do reliaze that i only want you, Nu" Zee kneeled and clasped his hand, begging a forgiveness from Nunew.

Nunew just stared at him with a filthy look in his eyes, "Sorry, honey. I'm way too expensive and i don't want a cheap stuff like you" He took his bag and put it on his arm, "Anyways, don't ever come to me unless it's about our job. I don't want to see you outside my working" Nunew walked away, leaving Zee still kneeled on the floor.

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