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Because of their 'lovely' night last night, they're OVERSLEPT. They supposed to get ready at 7 AM for breakfast and they would be continue to have a nature experience with elephants but they just woke up at 9 AM which they're 2 hours late.

Nunew were so mad at Zee and blamed it all to him because he kept banging him till midnight. Zee immediately called Lucy to see if they can still have the activity and luckily, she said she can reschedule it to 10 AM and get the breakfast buffet which is still opens for them because the breakfast time almost over. After got confirmation from her, both of them quickly took a shower and put on the clothes that's prepared from the resort for their elephant activity, it's a blue-colored pajamas but it's in Thai-style.

Nunew were still putting on his grumpy face when they were walking to the restaurant to have the breakfast but it was soon gone after he saw that there are a lot of different type of food there.

Meat. Cereal. Rice. Salad. It's all there.

Nunew's eyes are sparkles when he sees it, he quickly grabs a plate and start to build a mountain on his plate while Zee is checking in for both of them for breakfast. While he's finished, he found Nunew already sat down with a plate full of lot kind of food.

"Slow down, baby. You'll get choke if you're eating that fast" said Zee as he walking towards the table.

"Youhhh havvv tuuu tryfff yhiffff ( You have to try thisss )" said Nunew with his mouth still full.

Zee laughs, "I'll grab you some milk" Zee walked towards the buffet and grabbed a plate and start to take his breakfast. Actually, he doesn't eat much in the morning so he just grab some toast with a butter and some roasted chicken for protein, he also grab a glass of milk Nunew and a cup of coffee for him.

"Nu, do you want some omelette or sunny-side egg?" asked Zee after he put down his plate and glass.

Nunew nodded his head as he still munching his meal, "Omeyeett pweaseee ( Omelette please )"

"Excuse me?" Zee raised his hand after sat down and a staff approaches them.

"How can i help you, sir?"

"Can i have two omelette?"

"Coming right up, sir"

After staff heard his request, Zee eats his toast after buttering it. Nunew already finished with his meal then he sees that a brown-toasted sear mark on the bread and a glazed from the butter, he doesn't realize that he keep staring for that bread for a long time.

Zee noticed that Nunew is staring at his toast, "You want some?" said Zee as he slides the plate to Nunew. His boyfriend nodded and grabbed that toast and ate it happily. Not long after that, the staff came back with their omelette.

Nunew put some ketchup and add some omelette on the toast, it tastes SO GOOD!!. When he got the good food, he will start to do a little dance by his shoulder. Zee looked at him with a smile his face, Nunew is just too cute to handle.

"After we finished, we will get escorted to the elephant" said Zee eating his omelette that he mixed with the roasted chicken.

Nunew nodded his head the he eats the last piece of the toast and clears his omelette. Zee also done with his breakfast, he drinks his coffee before standing up from his chair.

"Are you done?" asked Zee.

"Yeah, oh wait let me drinks up this milk" Nunew drank the not-too-much-left milk before he stands up from his seat.

"Let's go" Zee grabs Nunew's hand and intertwines their fingers. When they're about to head out, Lucy approaches them from the restaurant's entrance.

"Good morning, Mr. Zee and Mr. Nunew. I hope you enjoyed your breakfast"

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