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Last night's news from Disbitch literally broke the internet. A lot of hashtags were trending on the twitter about supporting Zee and Nunew, also hating them. Due to this clash, both agencies already scheduled an emergency meeting today at Zee's agency office, Zee and Nunew will be present as well.

Zee were imprisoned in his condo since last night, Leang is also there to accompany him because there are a lot of reporters in the lobby. Even though they already asked the security to take care of them, they still insisted to wait outside.

Leang now is busy with answering the call from lots of people, mostly that have a contract with Zee. And most of them are saying their concerns about the latest new but Leang already dealt with them all, he said all of them need to wait for the clarification first before cancelling the contract.

How's Zee ? He looks super calm with this hectic situation because he already expected this would happened but he didn't expect it will be this soon. This is what you need to live with if you're in a showbiz, a camera will follow you anywhere even till your death. He just worried about Nunew, does he shocked with this news? or even Faint ? He doesn't know because Leang banned him to use his phone from last night.

"Come on, Zee. Let's go, wear your glasses, a cap, and your hoodie. We will go to the employee's basement parking lot, a car is already prepared and waiting for you there. oh and don't forget your mask" Leang just called by the boss that they need to leave now because Nunew's party are about to arrive. Zee opens his closet then he wears all black color, the glasses, the cap, the hoodie and even the mask. After done with the preparation, Leang opened the door and there was already some security there.

They were escorted into the lift with two additional security assigned to be inside the lift. After the lift stopped at basement, they were escorted to the employee's parking lot. One of the security tapped the card to a kind of door that separates the area. Once they entered, there's a blue Audi parking there, it's Leang's car. They can't use agency's van or even Zee's car, it will be too obvious.

Both of them entered the car and Leang told the driver to rush to the Zee's agency office. Zee's condo and his agency office are in the same area so it's pretty close, it only takes about 10 - 15 minutes. With this car's speed which is almost 100 km/h, they can reach the office in 5 minutes. They can see a lots of reporters standing in front of the office and because they're using Leang's car, none of those reporters suspect a thing when the car entering the basement.

Leang and Zee quickly gets out from the car when the car dropped them in front of the lift. There are already security ready to escort them to the lift, Leang pressed floor 5 because that's where the meeting will be held.

Once they reached their level, Leang and Zee quickly walks out with Leang leading the way to the meeting room and when they're arrived there, Nunew, his manager, Fae, and other man sitting besides them already there.

Leang and Zee sits across them with their boss, Mr. Jo. Zee wants to see how's Nunew but actually it seems like ........ He's fine, he even smiled at Zee when he came to the room. Zee glads that Nunew is fine and wasn't affected with what's happening

"So since everyone already present, we can start our discussion. Regarding about last night news, i want to ask to both of you" said Mr. Jo as he pointing at Zee and Nunew.

"The guy on the video, is it you guys?" asked Mr. Jo.

"It was-..." Zee wanted to answer it because it was all lf because his stupidity to do it in the public, but he was cut off by Nunew.

"Yes, it was us" says Nunew calmly

Fae widened her eyes, same like his boss, "Why are yall doing it in the car?!!" yells Fae.

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