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It's their last day on the resort and how will they spend it? Zee already booked a spa for today, so it's spa day!! It's such a great idea after their 'rough' night last night. Luckily, there's not overslept again, Nunew put a loud alarm on their phone. Loud as in VERY LOUD because he connect their phone to the Bluetooth speaker, Zee was shocked to death when the alarm was on and so as Nunew, he fell from the bed........ But they're wake up now, that's the only thing that matter.

Because today is their last day, they also packed their thing before they headed out for the spa. Both of them walked the rock path to the nature spa that facilitate by the resort. They will get a Thai Massage Spa which is a very traditional massage that will relax your muscle. It's really good if you're feeling stiff somewhere, this massage will help to relax it.

A 120-minute massage was really great for them especially for them who have to work day and night. They feels so relaxed and energized again. After the spa, they went back to their room to grab their things before they checked out. When they were at the receptionist to pay any extra fees, Lucy gave them a souvenir which is a mini elephant miniature as their complementary gift.

The staff brought Zee's car in the Lobby entrance. They put their things on the back seat before they get inside. Both of them were saying goodbye to Lucy and other staff who helped them there from inside the car. After that, they quickly headed to the airport.

When they arrived at the airport, Zee parked his car on the RSVP spot when he paid monthly there. Both of them walked inside the airport and checked-in. Because their flight is an hour and half away, they decided to take a little walk on the shopping center there.

"Do you want anything, Nu?" asked Zee to Nunew who's walking beside him.

"I don't know hmm.....I actually craving for some sweet"

"Let's go find a sweet shop then"

Zee hugs Nunew's shoulder from the side and walks to find what Nunew want. Tenants after after tenants, they found Krispy Kreme's tenant.

"Do you want some donut?" Zee pointed at the Krispy Kreme.

Nunew nodded excitedly, "Yeah yeah" Then they approaches the tenant.

"Welcome to Krispy Kreme, may i take your order?" greeted the staff.

Nunew looked at the donut on the display, "Uhm....a dozen of glazed donuts please"

"Anything else?"

"That's should be fine" said Nunew.

"The total is 500 baht"

Zee takes out his cash and gives to Nunew, and he gives the cash to the cashier.

"Please wait a moment for your order" The staff quickly grab a box and puts in the 12 pieces of glazed donut into the box. The staff put in box in a plastic bag before he handing it to Nunew.

Nunew received his donut so happily then they walks to the Priority longue to take seat. Yes, Zee bought VVIP Business Class flight for them so obviously, they have access to this prestigious lounge.

Nunew opened his donut box after they finding empty seat. He takes that one glazing donut and bites it. The sweet glaze is dancing inside Nunew's mouth, it's so delicious with this just simple glaze.

"You like it?"  asked Zee as he looking at Nunew who's really enjoying his donut. Nunew nodded his head and continue to chew it.

While Nunew is happily eating his donut, there's something wrong with Zee. He looks at Nunew's lips that looks glossy because of the glaze, he got distracted by how Nunew eating his donut. The way he eating it, licking his lips, and sucking the sugar on his finger is looks ............ tempting in Zee's eyes.

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