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Eventhough yesterday was a tough day for Nunew, he still have a job to do today and this job is a couple job with his one and only boyfriend, Zee. It's a magazine photoshoot, they got lots of offer to be in the cover of various magazine. Not going to lie but Nunew is not in his best condition because of ...... yeah🌚

But Zee is very responsible of his act, he actually became Nunew's servant for a day, and Nunew will order him around like.....

"Order me some beef sandwich"

"Can you get my bag?"

"Hold my phone"

"Buy life-time food supply for my cat"

Literally, Nunew ordered him to do anything and everything. And now, Zee is styling Nunew's hair with him holding a straightener, even though there's Nunew's hair stylist worrying about Zee is going to burn Nunew's hair and Zee just ......... Well it's his fault so he HAVE to to do it. But the funnier thing is when Zee is doing Nunew's hair, Zee's stylist also doint Zee's hair, they said that it will save lot of time because the clock is running.

"Wow, you're doing a great job, you probably should change your career" said Nunew as he looking at the mirror after Zee done his hair.

"I'm doing this because i had to" Zee put down the straightener and sat down beside Nunew with his grumpy face.

"Put that pouty face away, gimme a kiss" Nunew pull Zee's face closer and smooches him. That one kiss already made the big man happy, smiling from ear to ear — it's so easy to bribe him.

After done with their hair, they're about to wear their clothes — No worries, they already had their make up and this time isn't Zee's doing because Nunew didn't want his face to be like a clown. Today's photoshoot theme is pretty casual with a lot of different apparels so it will be a chill photoshoot.

Zee wore a hoodie jacket with such a crowded pattern and brown pants, he looks so handsome with it. And his petite boyfriend wore a purple long-sleeve hoodie and a pair of jeans which make him so adorable and cuddly yet sexy at the same time because of that jeans is fit perfectly on him.

"Look at you..... That's a whole cake bake there" praised Zee to Nunew that makes him rolled his eyes. Because Nunew is in his work-mode, he's being serious because he's a perfectionist about his work. So today's he just going to ignore whatever bluffed that came out from Zee's mouth.

After wearing the apparels, both of them are told to walk to the set. While Nunew is wearing that jeans, Zee keep looking at his butt — it's so thick and even thicker with that tight jeans. Then Zee feel 'something' came up on him which is really concerning.....

'Oh boy..' That's what Zee thought. Then he approches Nunew to 'share' his concern.

"Can i talk with you? It's emergency" Zee whispered on Nunew's ear.

Nunew rolled his eyes, "It has to be"

Zee grabs Nunew's wrist and take him back to the dressing room. When both of them are inside, Zee quickly locked the door so nobody can't get in.

"What is it?" Nunew crossed his arms over his chest.

Zee bite his lips before he says it, "I'm....kinda turn on...."

Nunew widened his eyes as he can't believe what he just heard then look downward and found a big bulge showing behind those pants.

"Zee??!!! It's still 11 AM ?!!! And why would your stick get hard ?!!" Nunew scolded him like so bad.

"I knowww but i don't know that you will wear that tight jeans, it really curved your butt" Zee whined as if it's going to help, but actually it is not.

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