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This week will be so busy for Zee and Nunew. For the whole week, Zee have shooting for his series and Nunew works on his new single so he have a lot of meeting. For this week, there's no couple works so they're will be separated for a while. Nunew can't stay at Zee's place because too far from his work and vice versa. But don't worry, They're still video calling with each other — it's just minus the sex and making out.

Nunew just had a meeting to discuss his single concept and he's bored because that's the only schedule that he had today. He's thinking to go the mall, to do some shopping. Nunew looked at the time, it's 12 PM, he remembered that Zee told him he will finish the shooting around 11 or 12 PM for today. He decided to call him to meet at the mall.

"Hello, Nu?"

"Zee, are you done shooting?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you want to go to the mall with me? I'm boredddd"

"Sorry baby, I can't. I still have discuss the script with the director for tomorrow"

"Ah...Okay..... Don't get too tired, you still have a lot of Q"

"I'll be fine, Nuuu. Okay then, see you, baby"

Zee hang up their call. Nunew pouts his lips as he can't meet with his boyfriend, again. This is not the first time but Zee always says no.

"Can you just spend 30 minutes with me?!! So annoying" scoffs Nunew. He walked toward his car and drove the mall to releade his stress.

Arrived at the mall, Nunew entered a lot of high-end brands store to buy something. Shopping is always his number one medicine, nothing's better than shopping — Well, having sex is also good.

He just came out from Charlotte Tilbury with his hands full with shopping bags. He bought some of his favorite foundation for his stock and there was bunch of new stuff, so he bought it too as well.

As he keep walking and looking at the store's window display, he sees a familiar figure, then he decides to approaches it slowly. Every step he took, the figure is getting familiar. When he's in a pretty close distance, he can see that person's face. Turns out............ it's Zee with a woman? Who's this woman? That woman is linked her hand on Zee's arms and Zee looks fine with it.

Nunew approaches them as he demanding for an explanation for all of this.


Zee turned his head when he heard someone called his name, "Nu! You're here too!"

' 'Here too', You asshole, i even told you to come here but you say no'

Nunew just smiled, "Who's this?" Without any bluff, Nunew go straight to the point.

"Ah, she's Lana, she's coworker in a series that I'm shooting now" Zee introduced her like he doesn't care that Nunew is literally in front of him.

That 'Lana' girl stretch out her hand, "Hiii, I'm Lana" said her with such made-up tone.

Nunew takes her hand and shakes it a little bit, "Nunew" answered with a smile on his face even though he's boiling inside right now.

"You're Zee's boyfriend, right? Congratulations for both of you" said Lana.

'So you do know that I'M HIS boyfriend? But still have the urge to link your arm like that'

"Thanks" Again, Nunew just smiled, showing his teeth.

"Did Zee already tell you that I played as his lover in the series?"

'Look at that state of you, such a snake'

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