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It's another busy morning at the Zee's agency office. Zee is already there since 7 AM because he have to read the script for his new upcoming series and have to shoot couple of brand advertisement content on his social media, then later in the evening he is going to attend BVLGARI event.

He's drinking his dirty coffee with a book of script on his hand but today's pretty strange because he can't focused at all. Normally, he's very serious at his work when it's the time to get serious but he CAN'T, he keep thinking about last night......with Nunew. Nunew's face, voice and even his movement on top of Zee last night are captured and shown on Zee's mind right now, he even get sweaty just thinking of it.

His manager, Leang, walks towards with a confused look on his face, "Why are you sweating so much huh?"

Zee looks at Leang and quickly wipes his sweat, "I'm wearing a thick clothes so it easier to get hot"

"Why wearing such a thick clothes? You crazy" Leang rolled his eyes.

"Because it's fashion, Phi" Zee moved his eyebrows up and down and drank his coffee, it's actually a way for him to not show his nervous because he's literally thinking dirty in this broad daylight.

"So at what time will we be going to the BVLGARI event?" asks Zee while his eyes stick on the script.

"Around 5 PM. You'll get your makeup done here and we'll just go straight away to the venue"

Zee nods, "Who's going to be there? Is there anyone i know?" asks Zee in curious. He always like this, always asks who's going to be there so he won't be such a lost puppy who doesn't know anyone there.

"A lot of people like famous actor and actresses, musician, and Max, Thomas, and Keng will be there too"

Zee's eyes lit when he heard a word musician but he have to keep it cool, "Musician? Like a singer?"

"Like Piixie, 4eve, ATLAS, Nont Tanont, Jeff Satur, and this new kid, Nunew, will also be there, you know the one who sang my favorite lakorn ost, Rak Tae" Leang's answer is really satisfied Zee.

Zee can't hold back his smile but he can't show any excitement or Leang will be suspicious, he clears his throat before replies, "I never met him, why don't you introduce me to him later?" asks Zee while pretends reading a script on his hand.

Leang nods his head, "Yeah sure"

Zee is literally pumped, inside his head, it's such a bless cause Leang didn’t suspect anything which is really good. For tonight, he have to look like he's THE ONE, he can't wait to see Nunew again, what will he wearing tonight? Hmm...but Zee bet that Nunew's best look is being naked.....🌚

"Zee, come on, let's go and film some content. We have pile of work and little time to work with" says Leang as he heading upstairs to prepare the set. Zee who was just celebrating, sighs and puts down his script and follows Leang. Well, he have to finish with these works first before he can meet Nunew.....



t's 4 PM and it's time to go the venue of the BVLGARI event. Zee is already dressed up with a black suit set from Valentino and obviously a jewelry set of necklace and ring from BVLGARI. BVLGARI are launching their newest collection in Thailand and every guest are given their newest collection to be wear at the event. Their theme's collection is Serpenti Viper, it can be seen from the model, it's look like a circular snake ring, necklace, and bracelet.

After the stylist fixed his hair, Leang tells him to go inside the van and they have to leave asap, to prevent traffic jam because the venue are located in the middle of the city. Once he sat on the van with Leang and other staff, the van literally rushed to the venue.

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