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"I'm so sorry to hear about your mum it must have been scary." The man said as I followed him through the crowd.


"Ah, there you are. Lotties in the back, don't mind her you arent afraid of dogs or anything?" He questioned hand hovering over the car door handle.

"No." I replied, and he opened the door for me with a smile.

I clambered in and was met with a wet tongue on my cheek.

A huge white dog covered in fluff stared at me. It was a Great Pyrenees. I strapped in and yawned. The flight had been thirteen hours and a half.

I lean against the dogs huge frame, letting out a small sigh. She gently started licking my forehead, and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Lottie doesn't usually behave this way with strangers she very loyal. You must be a good person." The man chatted.

Lottie eventually stopped licking me and rested her head on mine. The car drove on and on, and my eyelids started to feel heavy.

"Had a long flight, poor thing. Lottie has been taking care of her, though."

"Best get her inside so she can settle in." A woman's voice said. I opened my eyes and saw the owner of the dog looking down at me along with a beautiful lady with long, straight blonde hair and an elegant figure.

"Hello hon, I'm going to be looking after you from now on. I'm Gabby, your mum's friend." The lady said, giving me a warm smile.

"Hi." Was all I could say, and she helped me out if the car and my eyes widened as I saw the house.

"Is this the house?" I asked, staring in awe.

"Yes, not big, but it will do." Gabby said, squeezing my arm.

"Not big! Girl, this house is bigger than any house I've been in!" I said. Gabby laughed and led me to the front door.

The inside was even bigger, all modern and clean. A little dog came running up tail wagging. I knelt down to stroke it.

"That's Puff she's very friendly." Gabby said, petting her.

"I also have two guinea pigs called Fredrick and Hannah they surprisingly don't fight. I also have a cat called Misty she's quite grumpy." Gabby said as she walked through the house showing me around.

She showed me my room. It was just a big empty space.

"I thought you would like to decorate your whole room so maybe we could go to Target and do some shopping. That wardrobe might need some filling up, too." Gabby said, winking. I grinned. Maybe moving here wasn't too bad.

Moving here was the worst. Gabby and I went shopping for ages, and that was so fun she pushed me around on the trolley and got me a pink drink from Starbucks.

I picked loads of stuff, and Gabby helped me. She paid for everything. We had so much fun setting up my room and figuring out how to set up my furniture.

But school.

On my first day there, I had my hair in a slick back bun and wore the boring uniform.

Loads of girls were friendly, but they were kinnda clingy. I don't want to sound pick me, but I was probably the most popular girl in my year on my first day.

The popular girls showed me around and tried to be my best friend.

"That is Nidal. He's so hot, plus he has his own channel with like a million subs, so everyone wants him. He's like so popular too!" Lucy said, trying to link her arm in mine.

I shrugged her off and watched as Nidal talked to his friends.

"He hangs out with us loads. All the popular people do, you know." Chloe added.

"Yeah, let's go down to the field." I said we walked to the field and sat in a spot.

"How come like no one sits down here?" I asked, taking out my phone.

"Only the cool kids come down here. I guess everyone's just too scared, you know?" Chloe said, picking at her fake nails.

I nodded.

Yes, it felt amazing to be popular and loved by like anyone I passed, but I felt so weird.

"Who's that?" I asked, pointing to a girl sitting by herself in the hall.

"Oh, that's Ellie. She's like so weird." Lucy said, rolling her eyes. As soon as Ellie noticed us, she shrank back and looked down at the floor.

"I'm gonna say hi, she seems nice." I said, and before the girls could stop me, I walked over to the scared girl.

"I'm sorry, please don't make fun of me. I will stop watching you!" She said half, chocking on an apple.

I sat next to her.

"Why would I do that?" I asked. She shrugged, looking me up and down.

"I don't know." She responded nervously.

"Well, I'm Y/n, and you are?" I said.

"Ellie." She said quickly. 

"Well, Ellie, would you consider coming round to mine after school only if you're okay with that, obviously?" I said, smiling.

Her face lit up.

"Yes, please!" She said.

"Wanna hang out? I can introduce you to the girls. Don't worry if they are rude. you can go off." I said, standing up. Ellie hesitated before smiling and following me back to the girls.

"Guys, this is Ellie." I said, introducing her. She smiled.

Lucy waved, and the others did the same.

I sat with Ellie in all my lessons, and we laughed together. She was the sweetest.

She came to my house after school, and one thing led to each other, and I was doing her hair and makeup.

"You can have these clothes too." I said, giving her a huge pile. She beamed up at me.

"Thanks so much!"

She became popular, and all the girls tried to separate us. They were like minions following us around everywhere.

Everyone in the school knew our names, and loads of boys talked to us. This sounds so pick me, but they were actually alright. Except one.

"Shut up, no one asked." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Why are you listening then?" He replied.

"I was trying not too, but your voice is so loud and obnoxious that whatever I do, I can't tune it out!" I responded. Nidal shook his head, grinning.

We constantly argued, and Ellie tried to get us to be civil, but she soon gave up.

"He's a brat! He is so self entitled just because he has like a million followers! That doesn't define who you are!" I said frustratedly.

"That's true." Ellie agreed.

We were at mine, and Gabby had made us pizza and fries. Gabby loved Ellie and thought I had made the good decision on befriending her.


Why does this story sound so pick me 🥴

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