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For eight days, I lay between life and death.

Sometimes, I would feel staggering amounts of pain in my head or chest. I was fighting for breath.

I woke up and saw Gabby asleep next to me.

"Gabby." I said hoarsely. She immediately jumped up and grabbed my hands, tears staring to stream down her face.

"Yes, love." She whispered, kissing my hand.

"Are you okay?" I asked, blinking slowly.

"Yes, are you?" She replied, her smile trembling.

I nodded slowly.

"Gabby? Am I going to die?" I questioned.

She stayed silent for a couple of seconds.

"We don't know love. Just stay strong and keep fighting, okay? Can you do that for me?" She said.

I blinked slowly and started to fade in and out of consciousness.

"Y-yes..." I stuttered as I fell back into a coma.






"Shut up!"






"I said, shut up!" I roared sitting up. Except I did not sit up. I opened my eyes, a bright light shining in making them water.

I blinked rapidly, and soon, I was able to focus. I was in a white room with white sheets and white machines. Damn this person really liked the colour white.

I saw a red button next to my arm. Curiosity got the best of me, and I tried to move my arm to press it. I couldn't move.

I tried moving my foot. Again, it didn't move. I started to panic as I tried moving my body. Leg, no. Head, no. Arm, no. Toes, no. Fingers, no. Nothing.

The only thing I could move was my eyes and mouth. I cried out, hoping someone would hear me.

A door opened, and a lady dressed in what looked like a doctors uniform walked in, holding a clipboard.

She sat down at a desk near the end of my bed and started typing into a, you guessed it, white computer.

"Um, excuse me?" I said, my voice coming out croaky like a frog. The lady looked started and turned to face me.

"Francis! FRANCIS!" She yelled.

"Um, no need to shout." I said irritatedly.

"Oh my gosh!" She said, a smile lighting up on her pale face. 

"What's going on!" I said, getting scared.

A man came in.

"What-oh my goodness!" He said as he saw me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Look, is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" I said frustratedly.

The lady came over to me, crouching down.

"Sweetie, you have been in a coma for a week and a day. We thought you were dying." She said.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"Would you like Gabby?" The lady asked.

"Yes!" I shouted. The lady opened the door, and Gabby came in. There were dark circles under her eyes.

"Oh love!" She said, jogging over and taking my hand.

I started to cry. She gently wiped away my tears.

"Gabby! Where am I?" I sniffed.

"In the hospital." She replied.

That explained the white.

"Am I going to die?"

The lady and man came over, shaking their head.

"No Y/n you're not dying." She said.

I smiled.

"Is Nidal okay?" I asked.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to him since the accident." Gabby said.

After I had talked to Gabby for half an hour, she went in and out and got some food for the both of us.

I drank all my coke, ate four chips and half of my burger.

Gabby facetimed Nidal.

"Is she okay? Please say she's okay!" Nidal said. Gabby smiled.

"She's alive, awake, and eating in and out." She replied. I heard a huge sigh of relief come from the phone.

"Hey, Y/n!" Nidal said. Gabby handed me the phone. I could now move as the doctor had done something.

"Hey Noodle!" I said smiling.

"The Internet has been going crazy!" Nidal said.

"If you have your phone, I will send you some stuff. Half thinks you're dead. The other half thinks you're alive." He explained.

Gabby took my phone out of her pocket. It was all smashed up.

"Sadly, my phone is not a phone anymore." I said, grimacing at the shattered device.

"Gabby, when can I see her?" Nidal pleaded.

"Tomorrow when she has had time to process everything." Gabby responded.

"I can post on the Internet that you are alive and well. I haven't posted anything since the accident, for that matter no one has." Nidal said.

We chatted for twenty minutes before Gabby said we should hang up.

Gabby then posted a picture of me and her cuddled together onto her Instagram to show that I was alive and well.

Millions of people saw and liked. I had fun scrolling through the comments and reading the get well dms.

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