393 8 11

*TW blood, shooting*

I waved Gabby goodbye as she drove away and looked at the door hesitantly.

I made my way up the porch steps and knocked on the door. I heard some shouting and barking. Why was I doing this.

The door opened, and a woman answered. She had her blonde hair tied back into a tight bun and wore skinny jeans with a grey top.

"Hi, you must be Y/n it's so nice to finally meet you." She said. I smiled.

"You too."

She let me in, and I looked around. A boy lay stretched out on a black sofa, his phone in his hands. He was tall and muscular.

"That's Neshan."

I nodded. The boy looked up, nodded, and went back to his phone. Very polite.

Nidal walked in and almost fell over when he saw me.

"What's she doing here!" He said, covering himself up.

"Cute shirt, Nidal." I said, holding in my laughter. He scowled and turned back to where he had come from.

Jiji came in laughing and waved to me. I waved back.

"Y/n Jiji will look after you. I have to go shopping so I won't be back for a while but I'm sure you will be fine bye guys!" She said and went out of the front door.

Silence. I stood there awkwardly and just let my eyes take in everything.

"So, Y/n want to go to my room?" Jiji said, breaking the silence. I nodded and followed her to her room.

"Stop, Jiji!" I said, falling off the bed in laughter.

"I know!" She said tears streaming down her face.

"You would love her! Do you do gymnastics?" Jiji asked.

"Uh, I used to. I started when I was three, but it shut down when I turned twelve. I carried on by myself for a year but then found surfing." I explained.

"Ooh, you surf!" Jiji said. I nodded.

"I surf too but mainly for fun. I'm not that good." She said.

"One time, I was surfing with a friend, and I caught this huge wave, and she caught the same one it was so fun until we realized we wouldn't make it through in time and got thrown under." I said, smiling at the memory.

"Woah, that sounds so fun but so scary!" She replied.

Nidal came in wearing only shorts.

"Hey, you seen my phone anywhere?" He asked Jiji.

I looked away, my face turning pink.

"Y/n have you seen Nidals phone?" Jiji asked, nudging me. I took a deep breath and turned back around, ignoring Nidal.

"Nope." I responded and looked down at my nails.

"Thanks anyways." He said and walked away. Jiji grabbed onto my shoulders.

"Girl! You so have a crush on my brother!" She squeeled.

"No, who got you thinking that!" I said.

She let go.

"Sure, girl." She said and then jumped off the bed.

"Ellie, please tell me!" I begged as we sat in Math class.

"Work it out, I can't!" She replied.

"Ugh, but I can't. I hate maths!" I wailed. The teacher came over, and I immediately straightened my posture and pretended I was working silently like we were supposed to be doing.

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