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"I'm sorry, okay! I didn't mean for it, plus that teacher is an ugly cow!" I yelled as I slammed my bag down onto the table.

"Y/n! Mind your language. It's a teacher we are talking about, not a dirty farm animal." My mum said, grimacing at the thought of a cow.

"Same thing." I muttered under my breath. My mums head snapped up as she glared at me.


"I heard that! Go to your room and stop back chatting me! I can't believe you, Y/n." She shouted, pointing me towards my room.

I groaned and stormed up to my room, slamming the door behind me.

"I hate school!" I shouted, jumping onto my bed and climbing up a small ladder that led to a ledge with cushions and blankets strewn all over it.

My dad had made it for me. Before the Thing.

I picked up a small teddy bear I had had since a baby and sighed.

"Y/n!" My mum called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah?" I answered, putting down my phone. No reply.

"YEAH!" I shouted loudly. Still no reply. I shrieked in annoyance and jumped off the ledge landing on my bed.

I trudged downstairs, looking at the floor.

"Mum, you definitely heard me. Why can't you just ans-" I paused as I heard a strange noise.

"Hello?" I said, my voice filled with nerves. A gunshot fired through the air. Shoot. I ran back upstairs and shut my door, locking it behind me. I dashed over to my bed and slowly shuffled under it, covering my ears as another gunshot erupted from the firearm.


Disclaimer: I don't treat my mum like that. Don't worry 😭

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