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"Go get my soda and chips!" Travis shouted from where he lay sprawled out on the sofa.

I rolled my eyes. Gabby wasn't here, so I had a chance to say something without her hearing.

"No, go get it yourself. You have legs, don't you." I shot back, looking up from my phone.

I heard Travis get up, and I smirked to myself.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed onto my neck and slammed my head down onto the counter. I screamed in pain as I felt blood burst from my nose and trickle down my face.

"Don't ever speak to me, like that again!" He roared. I nodded, and he let go.

"If you mention any of this to Gabby, you will regret it." He sneered and sat back down again.

I wiped up the blood and gave him his soda and chios before quickly running into my room and locking the door behind me.

I sat on my bed and curled up into a ball terrified of what might happen next when Gabby wasn't here.

My phone started ringing and I answered the call.


"Hi Y/n, it's Nido." Nidal said laughing.

"Oh, I can't really talk right now. Call later?" I replied.

"What's happened." Nidal said sharply.

"Everything's fine, bye." I said and hung up.

I punched my pillow angrily.

"Hi love, I'm back." Gabby called.

"Babe!" I heard Travis exclaim.

I gagged and unlocked my door.

I ran downstairs and waved to Gabby. Travis pulled me over, holding my wrist tightly. I stopped myself from squeeling in pain.

"Me and Y/n had fun! We watched the Marvel movies and ate Popcorn, and I'm really sorry, but she finished the soda and chips. I told her not to, but she has a mind of her own!" He said, grinning down at me.

"Oh Y/n next time, please listen to Travis! I was saving that soda for my mums birthday party as it was her favourite and all sold out!" Gabby said, tears forming in her eyes.

I stood there looking down at the floor. Travis held on even tighter to my wrist.

"Y/n, I think you should be grounded for at least a week." He said sternly. I saw Gabby nod.

I snatched my arm away and ran up to my room.

I called Nidal and told him everything.

"That fattie!" He yelled angrily.

"I'm coming right now, and don't worry, I won't knock on the door. Just wait near your window." He said, hanging up.

I was relieved when I saw him climbing up a tree. I leant out of my window and held out my hand to help him in.

"Thanks." He said, jumping in and not letting go of my hand.

"What do you want to do?" He said.

I shrugged and just grabbed him, pulling him into a big hug.

"Thank you so so so much for coming." I mumbled.

"Anytime." He responded, hugging me back.

We made a YouTube video for my channel and then played roblox.

"Shoot, who's that!" Nidal said his head, snapping up as heavy footsteps came outside of my door.

"That is definitely Travis." I said and shoved Nidal under my bed just as the door opened.

"Y/n. If you don't leave by tomorrow, I am going to do something." He said.

"What!" Nidal shouted from under the bed. I kicked him.

"Who was that." Travis demanded striding over.

"No one, I swear!" I said, bringing my arms up to my face for protection.

Travis chucked me out of the way, causing me to smash into my wall. I cried out in pain.

Nidal leapt out from under the bed and tried to tackle Travis. He did the same as he had done to me and chucked Nidal into the wall. He fell down next to me angrily.

Something inside me snapped. Anger raged through my body, pumping adrenaline through me.

The anger of my mum and best friend being murdered. The anger of never seeing them again. The anger of my dad killing himself for me.

I leapt up screaming with all of power. I grabbed Travises hair and yanked down hard. He yelled, and I sprinkled his hair onto the floor.

I kneed him in the stomach and then booted his nono part. He screamed and fell to the floor.

Gabby ran in and saw me beating up her pathetic boyfriend.

She ran over and dragged me off him.

"Y/n! What's going on!" She said.

I shoved her off me and stormed out of the house. Nidal ran after me.

"You okay!" He asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I broke down in tears and hugged him. He pulled me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I'm so sorry." He said.

"Nidal, I need to tell you something." I said, looking into his eyes.

"Shoot." He said, brushing a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"I moved here because. My mum was murdered. I had come back from school. We had an argument, and I went into my room. She called for me. I went downstairs and heard multiple gun shots. I heard her scream and I ran back into my room. Two years before that, my dad had shot himself so that my mum had more money for me and herself." I said tears were streaming down my face.

"Y/n. I'm-that's horrible." He said his eyes watering.

"It's fine. I have you." I said and buried my head into his neck. He held me close, and it started to rain.

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