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"Y/n!" Nidal shook me awake.

"What?" I said, yawning.

"Gabbys, probably really worried." Nidal said, pulling me up.

"Ugh, fine." I said and stumbled as I walked back. Nidal walked me back and then hugged me goodbye. I knocked on the door, and a mascara smudged. Gabby opened the door.

She flung her arms around me, spinning me around.

"I was so worried. I'm so sorry this is all my fault. I promise this will never happen again!" She said, crying.

"No, don't blame it on yourself it was my fault I should've told you, and I shouldn't have gone off like that!" I said, hugging her back.

She kissed my forehead, and we both got changed into our pj's and put on face masks and cuddled up together, watching mean girls and eating chocolate.

"Y/n school. Come on, wake up!" Gabby said gently, shaking me awake. I groaned and stretched.

I got changed into Nike Pro leggings and Nike socks. I grabbed an oversized hoodie and put it on.

Gabby had put some toast in, and we ate it happily.

"Mmm, finally some non burnt toast." I said, munching on it. Gabby laughed.

I met Nidal, and we walked to school.

"I didn't realise how hot it was going to be today, phew!" I said, fanning myself.

"Take your jumper off then." Nidal said, shaking his head.

"Nidal, I can't! I don't have anything on underneath!" I said, making sure no one heard me.

"Not even a bra!" He gasped.

I covered his mouth.

"No stupid, of course. I have a bra on." I hissed. Nidals eyes widened.

"What's that look for." I said.

He shrugged.

"Just imagined you in a bra." He said, smirking. I shoved him, and he fell over into a girl.

"Oops, so sorry, it's all her fault!" He said, pointing the finger at me. The girl just laughed and carried on walking.

"Bro, just put the blame on me!" I said.

"It was your fault." He said, walking over to me.

I laughed.

The bell rang, and we went our separate ways to class.

"Yo Y/n what's up!" A random kid said as I walked in. I had gotten used to the fame around school. My channel had even more subscribers than Nidal. He was pissed.

"Hey!" I said and dapped the person up.

I sat in class and actually listened to the teacher for once. As soon as school finished, I ran over to Nidal and jumped onto his back.

He piggy backed me out.

"I have to have you piggy back me from now on." I said.

"Haha, you wish." He said.

I hit him gently.

"Not the hair! Y/n! Not the hair!" He squeeled as I messed up his hair. He dropped me and ran. I chased after him laughing.

He stopped and grabbed my waist, hoisting me up and over his shoulder.

"Hey, put me down!" I said, hitting his back.

"Nope." He replied, and I soon gave up and just lay there watching cars pass.

"Hi, can I please take a picture?" A girl said, coming up to Nidal.

"Yeah sure smile Y/n." He said. I twisted around and smiled.

"You two are cute, by the way." The girl said, giggling before running off. I burst out laughing and fell off Nidals shoulder.

Nidal shouted with laughter as I landed on my bum.

"Oh shut up!" I said, snorting. He helped me up, and we carried on walking back to my house. 

"Bye Y/n see you tomorrow!" Nidal said and waved goodbye. I waved back and went into the house.

I put on my bikini and shorts. I was so hot I decided not to put a top on.

I bounced down the stairs phone in hand.

"Gabby, I'm going to the beach. I'm about to ask if Jiji or Nidal want to come too." I said.

"Okay, take Puff, please!" Gabby said as Puff wondered in and jumped around me.

I picked up the cream dachshund and kissed her head.

She licked my cheek.

Jiji said she and Nidal could come, so I set off.

I arrived at the beach and put Puff down. She waddled around in the sand, staying close to me as I walked over to Jiji and Nidal.

"Omg, that dog is so cute who's is it!" Jiji said excitedly, running over.

"It's ours." I said laughing.

Jiji picked her up and cuddled her. Puff looked very pleased with all the attention she was getting.

"We've picked a spot over there it's sheltered from the sun." Nidal said, pointing to a corner under the cliffs with all their stuff.

I nodded and ran over, dropping my bag. I took out Puffs water bowl and filled it up.

Jiji said she would look after Puff whilst Nidal and I went for a swim.

"Last one in is a rotten tomato!" I yelled and sprinted towards the clear sea.

I dived in seconds before Nidal and surfaced grinning.

Nidal swam over to me and dunked me. I dunked him back, and we swam away from each other.

"Truce!" Nidal said, swimming over to me. We shook hands.

He pulled me closer to him, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Oh my goodness, look a turtle!" I said, pointing to a huge turtle paddling near us.

It came over, and that was when I realised it had a fishing net stuck around its neck. I gasped and jumped off Nidal and swam calmly over to it.

It let me untangle the blue rope from its throat.

I gently stroked its shell and tucked the rope into my bikini bottom. I waved it goodbye as I swam away.

Nidal swam over and watched it disappear.

"I really want to go diving somewhen!" I said, holding my breath and swimming down under the water.

I opened my eyes, knowing I was going to regret it later. I watched as tropical fish swam underneath my feet and by my legs.

Nidal appeared next to me and held my hand.

We went back up gasping for air.

"See what I mean!" I said. He nodded, smiling. We just stared at each other as we bobbed around.

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