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It had been a month since I had moved in with Gabby. Two months since the murder.

I tried to forget everything. Yes, I knew that was impossible. Yes, I knew the truth would come out somewhen I just hope it isn't soon.

Nidal and I had finally stopped arguing 24/7. Yeah, we still had our few disagreements, but he wasn't that bad.

I sat down at the table and got out my phone.

"Nidals mum messaged me." Gabby said, sitting opposite me.

"She did?" I said, looking up. Gabby nodded.

"Yeah, she wants to meet you. She has a daughter a couple of years older than you. She thinks you two would get on nicely." Gabby said, showing me the message.

I nodded.

"Yeah, sure when?" I asked.

"Like this weekend? That alright for you?" She said, turning down into our block.

"Sounds good." I said and hopped out of the car as we pulled into the drive.

I ran up to my room and chucked on a bikini and denim shorts. I rummaged around for some flip flops and then quickly tied my hair up into a messy bun.

"Bye, Gabby, just going for a swim before it gets busy!" I said, yelling as I grabbed my keys.

She waved goodbye from the window and blew a kiss.

I strolled down the lane to the beach. The water was a clear blue it looked like the sea you find on a holiday avitiser. Only this wasn't fake.

I found a quiet spot and put my stuff onto a lege hidden from view. I then ran down to the sea and dived straight in.

The water was surprisingly warm, and I surfaced. I swam around for a bit, annoyed that I hadn't brought my surf board to Calafornia. I had tried to, but Aunt Hillary refused. I even managed to sneak it onto the car roof as I knew she wouldn't see because her eyesight was like a bat.

Unfortunately, I hadn't tied it down tight enough, and sadly, Aunt Hillary had ears like a bat, so she heard it crash down from the car as she backed down the drive.

"Oh hey, Y/n!" A voice shouted from the shore. I looked up and saw a girl standing there in a pink tank top and white jeans.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Who are you?" I asked, walking out from the sea.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm Jiji. Did your mum tell you about me?" The girl said.

"Yes, Gabby told me about you." I said, not bothering to correct her.

"I've never met someone that calls their mum by their first name." Jiji said, chuckling. I forced a smile.

"Yeah, she's not my mum." I said.

"Oh! Sorry." She said her laughing fading.

"Don't be." I replied.

"Anyway, nice to meet you. See you at the weekend!" She said, waving. I waved back and then walked over to my stuff.

I snapped Ellie and then made my way back.

"Hey you, I've made cold pasta with pesto." Gabby said as I walked in.

"Yum, thanks. I will just get changed." I said, and got into my pj's.

"I will have a shower later." I said as I came back in and sat at the table.

She nodded and handed me my bowl. I dug in and yapped to her about surfing.

"Maybe we could go together soon. I used to surg to when I was younger." She said. My jaw dropped.

"Omg, you did!" I squeeled.

"Yes, probably not as good as you though it was just a hobby. I heard you've won some cups!" She said.

"Yeah, and whenever I came home, mum insisted on displaying them in -" I trailed off as all the happy memories came flooding back. The fact that they were now old memory's hurt like a knife twisting into my heart.

"It's alright, hon. we don't have to talk about that, so how's Ellie?" Gabby said.

I smiled gratefully and chatted about Ellie and how I met Jiji at the beach.

"You haven't been complaining about Nidal that much, so how's it going?" She said teasingly.

"Oh shush! Nothing happened he's just being less annoying." I responded, washing up the cutlery.

"Alright, sweetie, whatever you say!" Gabby said and went over to help me.

"He was so worried about you!" Ellie practically shouted down the phone.

"Yeah, right!" I replied, drying my hair.

"No, in all seriousness, he really was! He was like,'That's not fair!' and 'bro she lit did nothing!' You can't say that's not like crazy!" Ellie said.

I laughed and changed the subject to Jiji. Ellie showed me her YouTube channel, and I watched some of the videos after the call ended.

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