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"I know they are such pigs!" Ellie laughed.

"I feel bad talking about them like this, but it's true." I stated.

Ellie nodded.

"They used to bully me, but now they worship me its crazy what some people can do to change you." She said.

I hummed in response.

"Oh my freaking god, Nidal added me on snap stop. What do I do!" I said, staring down at the friend request.

"Add him back!" Ellie said excitedly, looking at my phone.

"No! I would seem desperate. I don't need that bum on my phone anyway." I said, turning off my phone.

"How come you moved here?"


"Like you just appeared out of nowhere, and suddenly all attention is on you. That's never happened before." Ellie explained.

"Ah. Well, uh. Yeah, I just like, moved here from like uh Texas yeah! Moved here from Texas to see Gabby as my parents went on a trip around the world and obviously couldn't take me with them." I lied.

Ellie slowly nodded.

"That's cool. Will you stay here?" She asked.

I shrugged.

"No idea. But let's hope so." I said. She gave me a quick hug and then stood up.

"Let's get going before we're late!" She said. We walked to school taking our time.

"Yo girls!" A voice said.

I turned around and saw Nidal walking over lazily, not bothering to run.

"Hey, Nidal." Ellie replied, giving him a smile before turning back to me.

He caught up with us and strolled next to me.

"What do you want?" I asked, giving him the side eye.

"Woah, easy tiger. I thought we were friends?" He responded.

"Since when?" I said.

"Since right now." He said, holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Nope nah ah never." I said, pushing his hand away like it was some dead sewer rat.

"Aw, look at those cows!" Ellie said, pointing to some fat dairy cows munching on the grass.

I pushed away the memory of my mum and forced a grin.


"Yeah, nice." Nidal said, looking confused.

"So, Y/n you haven't added me back." Nidal said.

"Nah." I said, kicking a stone along the pavement.

"Why? Oh wait, let me answer that because you are scared you will fall for my looks or you already have!" Nidal snickered.

"Omg, when do you ever stop talking about yourself!" I snapped.

"When I choose." He snapped back.

"Right Y/n let's get to the girls. We are here now bye Nidal see you around." Ellie rushed, grabbing my arm and dragging me away.

"Sorry, I just can't control my rage with him. I just want to squish him into a ball and chuck him away." I said angrily, miming it out.

"You should do drama!" A teacher said, walking past.

Ellie and I burst out laughing and ran down the corridor to our friend group.

"I don't care."

"You should."

"But I dont so leave me be please!"

"Y/n talk to me nicely for once."

I leaned backwards in my chair, tilting my head back. Trying to block out Nidal.

"Y/n!" The teacher yelled. I looked up.

"What!" I replied.

"Don't talk to me in that tone. Go stand outside!" They yelled.

"What! I didn't do anything!" I protested, standing up.

They ignored me and carried on teaching whatever thing we were learning about.

I huffed and walked outside and leant against the wall, picking at my nails. When the teacher finally decided to go outside to talk to me, I had had enough.

"Y/n, you know what you did wrong, so I would like an apology. That's all I ask." They said.

"Oh, shut up." I said, rolling my eyes and walking back into the classroom.

"Y/n! I know things are hard right now because of your parents, but you have no right to act like this!" They yelled. I whipped around.

"Get my parents out of your filthy mouth. You have no right to talk about them here now or ever!" I shouted.

Everyone one had stopped working and started watching. I sat back down and picked up my pen.

"Y/n, go to the principles office now!" The teacher said sternly.

"Oh my god, you are making a big deal over nothing!" I shouted and stormed out of the classroom.

"Y/n that is true he made a mistake but so did you and what looks like a bigger one." The principal said calmly.

"What! I'm sorry, say that again? I made a mistake, did I? Oops that was a mistake sorry I guess its bigger than him talking about my dead family in front of the while class now everyone has probably guessed that my mum was murdered infront of me and my dad shot himself." I raged.

"Look, we are all sorry about what happened, but that was in the past. You have to let go." She said.

I banged my fist on the table, sending a pencil pot flying.

"Would you like to go home? To calm down and prepare your apology for sir tomorrow?" She said.

"Yes, the first part I would like." I said, crossing my arms.

She rang Gabby, who immediately drove over to pick me up.

The thing about Gabby was that she never asked questions she just did what needed to be done straight away.

"Thanks." I said as I sat in the front seat of the car.

"No worries, teachers can be a bit annoying at times, but so can everyone." Gabby said.

"I do need to just shut up sometimes." I murmured.

"True, but sometimes people are wrong, and you are allowed to tell them so, but in a quieter tone, maybe?" She said, chuckling. I nodded.

"I heard from your mum that you were quite the character at school." She said.

"Yes, I tried hard, but my temper always took over." I said sighing.

"Maybe we can work on it together." She said smiling. I smiled back.

Maybe moving here was good after all.

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