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The school had shut down due to unknown circumstances. I was home schooled by Gabby when I thought about YouTube.

"You need a name." Nidal said, stretching.

"Will Y/n Y/l/n do?" I said, looking at him. He nodded.

I finished creating my channel.

"Now you just need to post quite regularly for people to like, be interested." Nidal said, yawning.

"Okay." I said.

Nidal watched me film a basic video.

"Hey, so I'm new here. My name is Y/n!" I said to the camera.

"I'm Nidal, as most of you know. I'm her bestie boo!" Nidal said, hugging me sarcasticly. I laughed and pushed him off.

"Yeah, that's Nidal, my goofy little rat." I said. Nidal made a face.

"Says you!" He said laughing. I pushed him, and he fell over.

"Nidal! Omg are you okay!" I said laughing and helped him up.

"Aw, you care!" He said, squeezing my face.

"No, I just wanted to make sure you didn't break anything." I replied.

"Sure." He said.

"Okay, guys, make sure to like and follow. You could do that to her too, I guess." Nidal said.

"Hey!" I said gently, punching him.

"Bye, lovies!" Nidal said and blew a kiss. I laughed and turned off the camera.

"Okay, now I can show you how to edit and post." Nidal exclaimed, taking the camera and jumping onto my bed.

"You have a laptop?" He asked. I nodded and gave it to him.

We edited and then posted. Gabby then drove us to in and out, and we got some food.

"I can make a quick video at home telling my followers to follow you." He said, eating fries.

"Yar, please." I said, munching on my food.

"But beware, there are shippers out there." Nidal said, raising a brow and making a weird face. I laughed.

"I don't care." I replied.

We dropped Nidal off and then drove back home. I went to my room and watched a movie.

"Y/n wake up!" Gabby shouted.

My vision was blurry. I heard someone banging on the door as I slowly started to wake up. It smelt if burnt toast.

"Gabby, stop burning the toast!" I yelled, wrinkling my nose.

"Y/n get out now, please quickly!" I heard Gabby shout. It sounded like she was crying.

I opened my eyes, and terror filled me.

My TV was on fire, and it was spreading quickly.

"Aw man, I wanted to watch gossip girl, not fireman Sam!" I yelled.

"Now is not the time for jokes!" She yelled. I quickly scrambled up and ran over to the door.

"It won't open!" I screamed.

"I know, go through the window. Don't worry about smashing it. Just get out!" She yelled.

I ran over to the window and opened it. I managed to squeeze through and climb out onto the roof.

I sat there waiting for the fire engine.

I heard it coming and saw the flashing lights. I looked into my room. It was just fire. Suddenly, a huge bang echoed through the air, and I went firing into the air like a bird.

I woke up screaming.

"Y/n is everything alright?" Gabby asked.

"Yeah, fine, just a bad dream." I replied shakily.

"Is there any chance we can go surfing?" I shouted, picking myself up and walking out of my room.

"Yeah, we can go to a shop and get you a surf board if you want." She responded. I walked into the living room excitedly.

"Go get changed then!" She said, hurrying me out. I sprinted back into my room and threw on a blue bikini.

I put my hair up into a messy bun and dashed back downstairs.

"You will need more than that on if we are going to the shops!" Gabby laughed.

I ran back upstairs, put on some denim shorts, and a halter neck crop top.

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