Chapter Sixteen

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"Make sure to finish the assignment I gave you. I want it tomorrow." Miss Adeline told the class before the left the classroom.

After the last student left, I leaned back and sighed. I had a headache from the homework that I was doing, and it was making me want to cry. I hated the work that the teachers were giving us since it was close to the end of the year.

"You ok?" Miss Adeline asks, looking over at me.

"Just hate homework."

She chuckled, and that made me smile as I looked over at her. She was stacking some papers together before looking at me, making my heart skip a beat.

"I don't know why. You were the best in my class years ago."

"That's because you taught us... like taught us. You helped us when we needed help."

She smiled. "I tried."

"I passed, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did." She smiled before standing up, and I did the same before slinging my bag over my shoulder. I followed her out of the classroom, down the hall and out the front door.

We approached her car, and I got in after she unlocked it. I leaned back after tossing my bag into the floor, then looked out the window once she left the parking lot.

It's been almost a week now, and I'm getting used to living with Miss Adeline. It still feels weird to me when I wake up in the mornings, but it's also comforting to know that I can wake up and not feel unsafe anymore.

Miss Adeline has shown me the meaning of being cared for, and I couldn't thank her enough.

We picked up Ella on the way home, and arrived at her house afterwards. I got out after grabbing my bag then walking to the front door as Miss Adeline was unlocking it.

"Want to go play basketball?" Ella asks, the moment we walk inside.

Before I could answer, Miss Adeline spoke, and we both looked over at her. "I need to talk to Holly alone for a moment. Go outside and play."

Ella made a face. "You make it sound like I'm seven." She turned around and walked back out the door, leaving us alone.

"What do you need to talk about?" I ask, watching as she shuts the door and turns towards me.

"Follow me." She spoke, walking past me as I slowly followed behind her. We walked upstairs and into her room, which made me stop and look around for a moment. "Remember that day I saw your cuts on your stomach?" She asks as she looks over at me.


"Have you been putting something on the cuts to help them heal? Because to me, it doesn't look like you have."

I shrugged, watching her stare at me before looking away. "Not really." I said, then heard her walk to her bathroom for a moment.

When she came back, she sat on her bed and told me to stand in front of her. I did just that, then looked down at her as my heart was racing in my chest. I saw her look up at me, and I felt my knees go weak.

"Lift up your shirt." She spoke, then stopped me before I could. "Are the cuts just on your stomach?"

"Um, I think so."

She looks at me for a moment before nodding. "Take off your shirt completely. I need to make sure." I felt my heart pounding as I slowly lifted up my shirt then pulled it off.

The room got hotter as I stood in front of my teacher, practically naked. I crossed my arms as she opened a small, clear container that was next to her on the bed. I saw her grab something out, then looked up at me.

"Uncross your arms, Holly." She spoke, making me obey. She examined my body, and I felt a quiver as I shook a little. I knew she noticed because she glanced up at me for a moment.

As she rubbed something on her finger, she gently applied it to my stomach. It was cold at first, making my body tense for a second then relax once I got used to it.

"Holly..." Miss Adeline said in almost a whisper. I looked down at her as she glanced up at me. "I'm sorry, baby." She said, making my knees almost give out. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as she continued to gently touch my stomach.

"You were going through this for how long?" She asks.

"Five years." I said.

When she looks up at me, I could see so many emotions in her eyes. I knew she was shocked, and I had to look away from the way she was looking at me.

She placed the stuff back in the container before looking back at me. I saw her reach over and gently hold onto my body, making a chill run through as she glanced down at my stomach.

"Come here." She gently spoke, pulling me to her and holding onto me. I saw her look up at me, and in that moment, I fell more in love with this woman. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, ready to explode as I stared at her.

As I got lost in her eyes, I didn't realize I had placed my hands on her shoulders and moved closer to her. She never broke eye contact with me, and the room was getting hotter.

After a moment, she looked away then cleared her throat. I took a step back, allowing her to stand up with the container in her hands. I watched as she walked past me to the bathroom as I stood there, trying to get my heart back to normal.

When she walked out, we made eye contact, and for a second, I thought she knew... I could see it in her eyes as she was staring at me, then she walked out of the room.

It took a moment for me to collect myself before putting my shirt back on and leaving the room. I walked outside, trying to wipe the sweat that had formed on my forehead. I fanned myself as I walked outside, seeing Ella playing basketball.

She smiled at me before tossing me the ball, which I grabbed and tossed it towards the basket. I watched as it went in, and Ella ran to grab the ball before it went to the road.

Since the basketball goal was near the road, we could see cars go by. The ball would sometimes bounce out into the street, so Ella had to run to grab it before a car hit it.

As we were playing, I heard a door shut and looked towards the house to see Miss Adeline walk out. She had on a tank-top and shorts, with sunglasses propped on her head.

"Are you tanning?" Ella asks, making me look away from her mom.


That made my heart race as I realized she would be out here watching us. I started acting stupid, trying to run up to the basket and toss the ball in but failed and ended up almost tripping over my own feet.

It was also getting hotter outside.

As we kept playing, I was watching as Ella would run towards the basket and tossed it in. I smiled as she ran to grab the ball, and that's when I noticed a car driving by. I recognized that car, and my heart stopped in my chest when the man looked over at me with his window down.

He stared at me, and I felt a chill go down my spine. I watched as he slowly drove by, and I looked over at Miss Adeline as she was laying on the lounge chair with her eyes closed.

I stood there, frozen in place, realizing that man was the one with my aunt. I could feel my heart about to burst out of my chest, and thoughts were running through my head.

"Holly, you ok?" Ella asks as she looked at me.

"Y-yeah." I said, grabbing the ball and tossing it towards the basket. I stood there as Ella ran to grab it, and I looked down the street as the car had disappeared.

The feeling in my chest was tight, and I didn't like it at all. I had the worst feeling about what was lurking around the corner, knowing that I might not be as safe as I think I am.

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