Chapter Thirty-Three

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"How was your Spring Break?"

"Yeah, I heard what happened..."

That's all I heard when I arrived back at school after Spring Break. I had to miss another week to recover, which made everyone in school talk about what happened.

It was still fuzzy to me, and I couldn't remember much. I'm surprised I didn't come out with bullet holes in my body from how stupid I was.

Once I came back to school, I couldn't get away from everyone. I had people come up to me and ask what happened or ask if I was ok. I kept hearing weird stories about me, which I wasn't sure was true or not.

Like I said, it was all a blur.

When I woke up from the hospital, I didn't know where I was at. I was confused and scared, then when the doctor told me about being drugged, I came to the realization that what I thought was all a dream, wasn't.

I did something stupid, and it almost costed me my life.

Then I saw Adeline.

She came in the room, rushed to me and wrapped her arms around me. She cried on my shoulder, telling me how stupid I was but also that she was glad I was ok.

Ella and Kyra were there also, and they hugged me. They told me that they were glad I was ok, then Kyra said that I was an idiot, which made her hug me again afterwards.

They all sat around me, asking how I was feeling. I couldn't tell them much from what happened, because I couldn't remember.

The doctor said that was normal since I was drugged, and that made Adeline even more worried about me. I couldn't leave the hospital until I was completely flushed out from the drugs that were in my body.

They told me that I was lucky to be alive.

When I was released from the hospital, Adeline stayed by my side the entire time. I knew I was fine, but she had her doubts. When I told her that I didn't need to be watched every hour, she continued to watch over me.

I wasn't sleeping on the couch anymore. She moved me to her room and told me that I would be staying here for now on.

It's been a rough week, because I missed my Spring Break and missed another week of school. I was under close supervision by Adeline, so she missed work as well.

When I found out about the men, I was relieved that it was all over with. I didn't have to worry about anyone following me around from my aunt's friends, and I was relieved that they were all taken into jail.

Which means that it's all better from here on out.


When the bell rung for the last period, I grabbed my bag and tossed it over my shoulder as I followed everyone out of the classroom. I walked down the hall as everyone else parted ways, and I was heading to Adeline's classroom.

As I walked into the classroom, Adeline was standing behind her desk. She was looking through some papers that were scattered on her desk, and when she looked up at me then smiled.

"Hey, teacher." I said as I tossed my bag onto the floor and saw her looking at me with her eyebrow raised. "What?"

"Don't call me that." She went back to looking through papers as more students were coming in. Once the bell rung, she grabbed a book then walked around her desk to stand in front of the class.

As I sat down, I kicked my feet on top of the desk as I listened to Adeline speak. I saw her walking around the classroom, talking to everyone as she was holding the book in her hands.

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