Chapter Twenty

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I think I deprived y'all long enough!

When I heard that school bell ring, my nerves were shot. I couldn't control the shaking I had in my hands, and I tried controlling it all day but failed. I knew I had to speak with Adeline about what was going on the last few days, which made my nerves even worse.

I didn't understand at all, but it was time to talk to her about it. I wanted to know if what my mind was telling me was true.

As I walked to her classroom, I took a breath before walking inside. I saw her leaning on the front of her desk, watching as students walked to their seats, and when her eyes met mine, I saw a smile on her face as I sat in my chair.

My legs were shaking, making me hold them down as I sat there. I didn't want her seeing how nervous I was, which made me cross my legs to make the shaking stop.

After the bell rung again, I saw her walk around as she was talking to the students. I watch as she was holding a book, talking to everyone as she was smiling, making me smile.

When she walked back towards her desk, she told everyone to read silently for ten minutes before sitting down next to me. I kept my nerves down as I looked at the book in front of me, making sure not to glance over at her.

I always feel like I was going to pass out when she was near, making it harder for me to even be around her.

The time went on, and the nerves in my body were beyond shot. I could feel my heart racing as I knew it was getting closer for us to talk, which she had no idea about it, making it even more nerve-wrecking.

I did my homework and ignored everything around me, hoping to keep myself from passing out before the bell rings.

When the bell finally rung, my heart was in my throat ready to jump out of my mouth. I saw everyone pack up and start leaving the room, making me slowly place everything into my bag.

As the last student left, I looked over at Adeline as she was packing up some papers. She looked over at me and smiled, making me slight smile back. "You ready?"

"Can we talk?" I said in a rush.

"Sure." She leaned back.

"Um... it's about what's been going on for the last few days..." I said, making her glance behind me at the door. I knew that it wasn't the best place to talk, but I wasn't sure if I could be able speak when we got to her house.

"Let's talk at home, ok?" She said, making me nod as we both got up and grabbed our things. I followed her out of the classroom, down the hall and out the front door of the building.

We walked to the parking lot, and I could hear my heart in my ears as I got into the passenger side of her car as she got into the driver side. I was trying to keep my nerves down as we left the parking lot and drove home.

When we arrived at her house, she parked, and I got out as she did the same. I followed her to the front door and watched her unlock it before following her inside, shutting the door behind me.

I followed her to the living room, where I tossed my bag onto the floor near the couch. I could hear my heart racing as I sat down next to her, avoiding eye contact. I couldn't even look at this woman without wanting to pass out from how nervous I get around her.

"Ok." She sighed, making me look over at her. I saw her look at me, then she slightly smiled. "I was wanting to talk to you about... the last few days but wasn't sure if I would make you uncomfortable. I want you to know that... the last few days with you being here as made me realize that, um..." She stopped as she looked away, making me watch her as my heart was pounding in my chest.

"It's made me realize that I have... some sort of feelings for you."

When I heard those words leave her mouth, I had to blink a few times to know that I wasn't dreaming. I saw her slightly smile at me before looking down at her lap. I stared at her, feeling my heart race.

"I hope that doesn't make you feel uncomfortable, Holly. I honestly don't know how... this all came to be. But..." She stopped when we heard Ella's voice come through the walls as the front door shut.

Ella walked in with a smile on her face, and her father was behind her. I saw him smile before slightly waving at me, and I nodded towards him as Adeline got up and walked towards her daughter.

"Hope we're not intruding. I'm dropping her off." The man spoke.

"No problem." Adeline said.

As I sat there, I saw Ella walk towards me as she was holding a bag. She sat down and pulled something out of the bag, revealing a basketball. I saw her look at me with a smile. "My dad bought me a new basketball. You want to go try it out?"

"Sure." I said, following her out of the living room. I saw Adeline watching me as I passed her, making me glance back at her before disappearing out of sight.

When we were outside, we played basketball until Adeline and her ex-husband walked out. I saw them talking about something before I grabbed the ball from Ella and ran up to the basket.

"This ball is so much better." Ella said, tossing the ball into the basket. "I can actually make it now." She smiled.

"I don't think it was the ball's fault." I chuckled as she gave me a look. I ran up to grab the ball then dunked it into the basket.

We kept playing for a while, and her dad finally left. I was watching Ella until my eyes landed on Adeline, who was standing at the porch. She was watching me, and I felt my body quiver as she slightly smiled before turning towards the house and walking inside.

As I stood there, I had so many emotions running through my head that I wasn't sure what was going to happen next. 

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