Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Saturday morning came around, and I refused to get off the couch. I hardly slept the night before because Adeline was stuck in my head, and I couldn't sleep. I was tossing and turning, kicking myself for not sleeping.

I think I finally went to sleep around four, which was terrible because I could hear Adeline awake around six. I couldn't understand why she was up so early on the weekend, but she made sure everyone in the house could hear her.

The sun started coming through the window, which made me cover my head with the blanket. I wanted to sleep, but as soon as I heard Ella's voice coming down the stairs, I knew it was time to get up.

Friday night consisted of Ella and I watching tv while Adeline was in the kitchen doing work. We didn't talk all night, which hurt but I understood where she was coming from.

I just wish she didn't regret what happened, because I don't feel like she took advantage of me at all. I wasn't uncomfortable, and she already knew that. I would have told her no if I didn't want it happening, but I didn't.

She ignored me throughout the night, which I tried not letting it get to me, but it was hard when she was the woman, I'm in love with, and she still had no idea.

Hopefully she'll come around.


"Holly?" I heard Ella's voice. I pulled the covers away from my head and saw her standing in front of the couch. "You want some breakfast?"

"What time is it?" I yawned.

She looked at the watch on her wrist. "After nine. Like... nine twenty-three." She looked back at me then smiled. "I'm making pancakes." She kicked the couch. "Get up." She chuckled before walking out of the living room.

After I got up, I walked out of the living room to the kitchen. I saw Ella standing at the stove, and Adeline was sitting at the table. I walked to the stove and stood next to Ella, watching as she was flipping the pancake.

"I make the best pancakes." She smiled before tossing the pancake into a plate. I watch as she poured more of the batter onto the pan, then smiled over at me.

After she was done, and I stood there watching her the whole time, she told me to go sit at the table. I looked over at Adeline as she was sitting at the table, typing on her laptop.

I sat down across from her, then watched as Ella came over with a plate of pancakes. She placed the syrup and chocolate syrup on the table, then excused herself as she walked out of the kitchen.

As I sat there, I watch as Adeline was looking at her laptop. She glanced over and met my eyes before looking back at the laptop, clearly ignoring me.

"You can't ignore me forever, Adeline." I spoke, making her glance at me. I grabbed a pancake with my fork then placed it on the plate in front of me. I opened the chocolate syrup and poured it all over my pancake.

When I looked at Adeline, she was watching me before looking back at her laptop. I sighed loud enough before cutting into my pancake and taking a bite.

As I ate, she continued to type on her laptop. I finished my plate in a matter of minutes, then wiped my mouth. I stood up as Ella was walking in, then she stopped and stared at me.

"Dang, you were hungry."

"And it was good. Thanks." I smiled as I took my plate to the sink and sat it down.

When I turned around, I saw Adeline looking at her laptop, and Ella was eating at the table. She was stuffing her face, which made me smile as I glanced back at Adeline.

I'm not sure how long she's going to continue to beat herself up, but it was unfair to her. I never said I wanted her to stop, and she shouldn't feel bad about it.

As I stood there, trying to figure out a way for her to speak to me, I came up with an idea. I slightly smiled as I kept my eyes on her then walked out of the kitchen before walking to the living room.

Once I stood in front of the couch, I slid my shoes on then walked out of the living room. I walked past the kitchen then walked to the front door, stopping in front of me. I had my hand on the handle as I looked back towards the kitchen entrance.

"I gotta go get something from the house!" I shouted. "I'll be back!" I walked out the door and closed it behind me, before walking down the steps.

As I was walking down the driveway to the other driveway, I heard the front door slam. I turned to see Adeline walking down the steps before walking towards me, then stopping in front of me.

"Are you serious? Get your ass back in the house." She pointed towards her house as she stared at me.

"I didn't know how else to make you talk to me." I spoke, making her move her arm down as she looked at me.

She glanced towards the house before looking back at me, then she crossed her arms. "I'm sorry. I just... I feel guilty about what happened. I can't even look at myself in the mirror because I keep thinking about what happened."

"And I told you that you did nothing wrong." I spoke, making her stare at me. "I promise."

She sighed before looking down. "I still feel like shit, Holly." I saw her look up, and I slightly smiled at her.

We stepped closer to each other, and she cupped my face. I saw her smile as she stared at me, making me hold her hips. I instantly got lost in her eyes as she smiled at me, making my heart melt.

She started caressing my cheeks, making me blush. I saw her chuckle as she looked my face over, then started leaning towards me.

Before our lips met, I heard a car go by. I was quick to move away from her as we both looked towards the car as it was driving by. I watched as it drove down the street, then disappeared.

"Let's get inside." Adeline said as she wrapped her arm around my back and guided me to the house. I saw her open the door for me, allowing me to step inside as she shut the door behind her.

Throughout the night, we watched movies with Ella. She sat between us, but Adeline was stealing glances at me occasionally. I couldn't stop smiling at her, which made her smile back as we focused on the movie.

Before I went to sleep that night, I was looking through my notebook when I received a text. It was from a number I didn't recognize but wasn't the same number from that man outside of school that day.

When I read it, I felt my whole body shut down. I stared at the text for the longest time before realizing that whoever was in that car earlier... saw us, and now we weren't safe anymore.

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