Chapter Twenty-Six

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"I'm so sorry that I had to wake you up so early." Adeline was speaking to me, but all I wanted to do was fall back to sleep. I was in the passenger seat as she was driving to school, and it was too early for this.

Adeline had to be here extra early for some reason that I forgot. She woke me up, telling me that she wasn't about to leave me here to ride the bus to school or walk, so she was taking me with her.

It was currently five in the morning. School doesn't start until eight. I wanted to go back to sleep, but I knew that Adeline wouldn't allow me to stay at her house alone.

Ever since that day with my aunt's house, Adeline has been extra protective of me. She would let me walk outside but wouldn't let me walk down the street to a store or anything. She would take me if I needed to go, which I didn't mind at all because I would rather her take me places then walk.

That bad feeling I had in my gut was starting to all come up.

I still haven't told Adeline about anything, but I knew that if I told her now, she would be even more protective of me.

Which, I didn't mind because I find that extremely hot.

My mommy issues were screaming for me to tell her, so she could be even more protective of me. But I didn't want her worrying too much about me, so I didn't say anything and made sure to stay in her view.

I rubbed my eyes as she walked through the front doors, holding them open as I walked in. I followed her down the hall to her classroom, and I felt myself trying to fall asleep while walking.

As I stood behind her, she unlocked her door before walking in and turning the lights on. I shielded my eyes for a moment before walking to the chair that was next to her desk and sitting down and tossing my bag onto the floor.

"Sweetie," She spoke, making me look over at her. "there's a bean bag chair in the back closet. Why don't you grab it and lay on it?" I nodded as I stood up and walked to the back of the classroom to the closet. I grabbed the bean bag chair out, then turned around to see where I was going to place it. "Put it behind me." Adeline spoke as she was watching me.

I walked back to the front of the classroom then behind her desk. I tossed the bean bag chair down then leaned down before laying on it.

As I laid there, I moved around a little to get more comfortable then sighed as I closed my eyes. I heard Adeline typing on her computer as I was laying there, feeling myself starting to fall asleep.


When the morning was finally over with, I went to my classes tired as hell. I regret going back to sleep because I woke up even more tired. I could see the worry in Adeline's eyes when I left her classroom this morning, but smiled at her to let her know that I was fine.

She felt bad about waking me up to come to school so early with her, but she refused to let me stay alone at her house.

Classes were hard to get through. I wanted to sleep in almost every class. I was more than ready to go home and take a nap, knowing that's what I'll be doing when I get there.

When lunch came around, I ate outside. Adeline made some lunch for me, so I ate it while enjoying the outside weather. I didn't mind the heat, even though it was very hot, but I liked being alone.

I didn't bother going to Adeline's classroom. I never really have lunch there anyway because it was weird and she usually has students in there for studying, so I don't go.

When the last period class came around, I watched the clock as it was ticking down. I was ready to leave, honestly. I was tired of being here, and Spring Break couldn't get here fast enough.

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