"Roman... If you just told us..."

"No, Patton." Roman frowned as he sat there on his bed staring at the tattoo on his wrist. The tribal crown he's had since he was King. The very one that... he had thought would have been a stagnant 365 for the rest of his life. What a surprise when he found it began to count down. "I can't do that."

"Kiddo, if we knew... if they knew, then we could all prepare and help them." Roman laughed as he looked up to see Logan and Patton standing there before him with equal looks of worry and concern. "Why won't you even tell us at least?"

"Patton, I..." Roman shook his head as he turned back to his tattoo. "This is my curse."

"A curse you got because of who you were to Thomas." Logan cut in making Roman just glare at him.

"A curse I got because I was the King and went after the dragon which. It's only a gift that she's just as much a Disney fan as I am." Roman's eyes saddened as he deflated. "I spent this ENTIRE year looking for her, praying I could end the curse before it ever took hold."

"Roman, why won't you tell us..."

"I don't want him involved, Patton." Patton's eyes went wide seeing the pure panic in the prince. "I don't want him to get hurt. I love him. Why would I ever willingly put him in harm's way? To save my own ass... Not happening."

"But..." Roman smiled sadly as Patton started to tear up. "Roman, you could die."

"It's not death, Patton. It's an eternal sleep." Roman chuckled as he tried to swallow his own tears. "I'm sorry. I just can't do it. As horrible and cruel as it is for me to say... I would rather kiss a stranger and end up never waking up... than EVER putting his life on the line. I love him too much... and he doesn't even know."

"Roman..." Logan sighed as he gently tugged on Patton's arm. "Would you like us to lock the door? One... One last attempt at staying the curse?" Roman frowned as he just gave them a curt nod.

"Please?" Logan smiled as he carefully pulled Patton out of the room giving the prince one last look before looked away.

"You know Roman... If this is goodbye..." Roman's eyes glanced up to see the relaxed stance the teacher had and his expression filled with confusion. "You were a damn good King... as you were a prince. So... Don't just give up if given the chance. Ok?"

"I'll try." Roman sat there watching the door close with a click and he sighed, laying back into bed. "This is it huh?" He held up his wrist staring at that '1' and just smiled imagining his love. "You're going to be so pissed at me." Roman let his eyes close as his arm dropped to his chest. "I'm sorry, My love. I just couldn't do it. I couldn't risk you. I hope you'll understand." Roman could feel himself starting to drift off as he let out a soft sigh. "Please... Please forgive me."

11:35 and Virgil was... Well, he was awake. Virgil sat there at his desk writing. He wasn't entirely sure about what but Roman had suggested it as a way to distract him. He didn't really know what was going on, but he's had a bad feeling all day. He had a hard time leaving his room at all. Thankfully it seemed the others were busy with something so Virgil didn't have to explain why he was a bit moody. It just wouldn't go away. He sighed as he leaned back in his chair just to take a breath only...

There was a loud sound causing Virgil to jump and nearly fall off his chair. He was up and out of his room instantly to focused on that bad feeling to even care about how late at night it was. The second he walked out he spotted Roman walking off and his eyes narrowed in confusion. He glanced at the floor spotting a broken door nob. Why would Roman break his door?

"Roman?" The prince didn't even pause. He just kept walking completely dazed and without control. His body moved without any say from his mind. He wasn't even aware of Virgil calling out to him. He just kept on walking. Walked right out of the Mindpalace into the enchanted forest. every step brought him closer and closer to his destination. Every step cleared a small part of the haze. Until Roman found himself in a clearing, his eyes narrowed in confusion as he looked around and sighed. He glanced up at the sky to see the moon nearly at its peak and it all hit him right then.

"This is it." Roman let out a broken laugh as just shrugged. He glanced at his wrist seeing the one starting to fade and he smiled sadly. "A year is up.

"ROMAN?!" Roman jumped as he whipped around in surprise to see Virgil full-on glaring at him with this rage in his eyes. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"Oh no." Roman tensed tears coming to his eyes as he glanced up again to see the moon nearly at it's mark. "Virgil, go home."

"Go... GO HOME?!" Virgil flared as he stormed his way closer making Roman stumble back. "Roman, I've been literally chasing after you since you for some reason BROKE out of your own room. Do you even realize how fucking scared I was? You weren't responding. What the hell is wrong with..."

"Virgil, please?" Virgil faltered seeing the panic in the prince's eyes, as he once again looked up at the moon. Roman could feel this pull and he choked as he struggled to hold it back. "Please. Go..." Roman gasped as that pull surged making him sway a bit. Virgil's eyes narrowed in concern as Roman panted. "Please, go home. Please? Right now. Right..." Roman felt his mind starting to go under and he panicked. "No. NO! Not him. Not him. Please. VIRGIL GO!"

"Roman, what's wrong?" Roman was crying at this point as Virgil reached out to help steady him. "Hey... Ro? Whatever it is? I'm sure it's ok, right? So... Let's both go home ok? You need your beauty sleep remember."

"Virgil, ple..." Roman felt that pull turned into a yank as his body started to move on its own. His tattoo finally shifted into a zero as the moon hit its peak. "No. no..." Roman's eyes glassed over as he gently placed a hand to Virgil's cheek unable to stop himself. "Virgil... I'm sorry."

"Roman, what..." Virgil frowned as he watched Roman start to lean in. "RO?!"

"I can't stop." Virgil froze up in fear and confusion as Roman leaned in till their noses were practically touching. "I'm sorry. I never... I never wanted it to be you." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Roman kissed him. Even though Roman clearly didn't want to, It was obvious the kiss was filled with passion, as his hands went to Virgil's neck. Virgil's eyes slipped shut falling into the moment. Roman felt his body start to give way and everything completely crashed in him. He pulled away watching as Virgil's eyes fluttered open. He gave the other a sad smile as Virgil just stared at him in confusion. "I'm sorry. Please..." His body crashed causing his knees to buckle. He ended up falling as he gripped Virgil's arm tightly in fear. "Forgive me."

"ROMAN?!" Virgil went to help him only to cry out, gripping his left arm tightly as this sudden burning overtook him. He stood where in horror as this mark tattoo thing, he didn't know, burned into his wrist. A number 7 in the middle of the diamond centered in a tribal crown. Tears fell from his eyes from the pain as his eyes darted over to see Roman completely out on the cool grass. "Roman? Ro..." Virgil whimpered as he slowly dropped to his knees nudging the prince on the shoulder. "Roman, wake up. Roman!" Virgil didn't know what was going on and he was beyond terrified. He just took a breath and carefully picked Roman up laugh at the fact that normally it's the prince carrying the damsel. "This time... The prince IS the damsel." Virgil just deflated as he shook his head and started back home. "Please wake up, Ro. I don't... I don't know what happened." Virgil's eyes noticed the mark on Roman's wrist and his heart just stopped. It was identical to the one now on his. Same number and everything. "Let's get you back home, Princey. Something tells me... Hell just froze over."

The Mark of A Cursed KingWhere stories live. Discover now